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I lay in bed on my back, staring at the plain, white ceiling. It's like a display screen for all my thoughts. As I stare at the ceiling, I imagine everything like it's right there in front of me. All I can do is think about my depression filled, fucked up life. I remember when I was younger, I couldn't sleep at nights because I wanted to watch tv or play video games and whatever. Now, I wish It was easy for me to sleep. At nights, I can't sleep, and when I can't sleep, I start to think, and when I start to think, bad things happen. My thoughts are like demons that try to take over my body. They control me. There are different stages. First, we have the emotional demons that just reminds me of all the bad stuff that happens in my like. It brings back feelings of depression, anxiety, heart break etc.

Then, we have the evil demons. I start to think about all the things I've fucked up on in my life and that pisses me off like the fake people that are all around me. I just wanna kill them all, cut their oxygen off, and as they slowly die, I want to see the look on their faces when they realize that I was the one that took their 'perfect' lives away from them.

Finally, we have the scared demons. It's funny because, everyone thinks that demons are never afraid of anything, that they are just pure wicked and evil. Well, not this demon inside my thoughts. I'm scared, scared at the fact that I'm alone. I have no one, I don't trust my family with anything. I don't tell them anything, especially about my personal life. I'm scared because I'm just a lonely guy with big secrets that has no one, no one to talk to or make me feel good about myself. The worst part about it is that I'm scared, I'm scared because I have to face the fact each and everyday that this, is, my life, and I can't really do anything about it.


Hey, I hope you enjoyed the prologue / chapter 1 of my story.

Should I continue?

I really hope I get to complete this story. I will try my best and do everything I can to update as much as possible!


Love Me Harder (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora