~Chapter 4 : Emotional Rollercoaster Of WTF

Start from the beginning

"Just sit there and look handsome. Serenade yourself while you still can, because once I'm done with you, you're going to look bloody!" Shima commands. What a completely normal and sane thing to say to someone.

"I don't know if I should feel worried or not if you word it like that." Senra chuckles, though does as told anyway. He's too soft for Shima to ever go against him. Taking the serenading part to heart, the blond closes his eyes and hums to himself while waiting.

Finding all the materials he needs to pull this off, Shima stands up and dumps them on to the desk. "Now then..." Shima picks up some foundation and concealer, blending it around his neck. "Let's get this started~"

For the next hour, Shima works on putting makeup on Senra's neck, making it look like his throat had actually been sliced. Finally, for the finishing touches, he adds the dyed honey. "Hope you didn't like these clothes that much!" And started pouring some of the honey on the shirt. Then, he grabs the honey with his hands and starts whipping his hand, making the blood look splattered on the rest of his clothing.

"I hope I didn't either." Senra chuckles at Shima's overexcitement and looks down at his handiwork, amazed at how real everything looked. This will definitely fool them. "Do you need any help with yours, or should I start trashing the room to save time?" Senra suggests wanting to do his best to make Shima's job easier.

"Break the window. But from the outside. That way it looks like the room was broken into. Then, stab and slash at the bed. Not too many times though. It needs to look believable. Finally, start slashing places in the room as if we're trying to escape." Shima really knew what he was doing. Not sure if that's concerning or not.

Nodding, Senra grabs the spare sword Urata told him to 'always have hidden in a corner of his room blah blah,' and opens the window to their balcony, letting the fresh, crisp, morning breeze inside. Using the hilt of the sword, Senra slams it against the window, shattering it into pieces, glass falling everywhere. That should be good enough.

Unsheathing the sword, Senra holds it in his hands in a way that he remembered Shima holding the wooden sword from the day before and began to slash at the bed, but only a few times here and there and began to destroy the room in only spots that would seem believable if he destroyed.

Once done, Senra sheathed the sword, hid it back away and moved back to Shima to see how the makeup was going. And it certainly was...going. "I never thought I'd say this to someone looking as you do right now but...holy hell you look amazing."

Shima had made small tears in his shirt and pants to imitate stab wounds. And the makeup around the body looked far too real, especially with all the blood running down.

"Now then, my love, shall get into place and wait for our precious knights to come in and find us 'dead'?" Shima chuckles darkly, excited for the prank.

"Why yes, of course." Senra nods, a smirk appearing on his own face. How he'd love to see Urata terrified, what an amazing sight that would be. Surely absolutely nothing would go wrong.

Finding a nice spot on the floor, Senra sprawled out in a position that made it look as if there was a struggle, and that he had tried to run, but failed in the process, falling to the floor to his 'death.'

Shima grabs his dagger from under one of the pillows before going to the ground. Sprawling himself out near Senra's feet, he made it look as if he was trying to protect the blonde before inevitable death.

"Make sure your eyes are closed so they don't see them move, stop breathing as soon as they come in, if you need to breathe, make sure it's when they aren't paying attention and take small, silent breaths. Also try not to smile or twitch in any way. Got it?" Shima had to make sure Senra wouldn't ruin this prank for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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