Blanche slid through the window and saw Sohalia handcuffed to a pole, getting ready to enter the fight. She saw Ohanzee sitting on a golden throne watching the fight. Without being seen, she flew down to hide behind Sohalia. Blanche didn't want to do what she was about to do. She slid up Sohalia's pink gown and rested there. Sohalia shivered from the cold. Someone next to Ohanzee, probably a high guard, yelled loudly, "Our next contestant is from Kinoko Grove, Sohalia, former Queen of Dawnia!" The crowd cheered loudly, and Ohanzee smirked, folding his arms. A guard un-cuffed Sohalia. She walked forward and glanced at the winner of the last round. He was bleeding severely. "Here are the rules," The High announced. "You cannot fly out. The result will end up as getting shot. Hurting the audience will lead to death. Either fight or surrender. His honor will explain further rules if needed." The High sat back down. Ohanzee moved his curly hair out of his face. "You can't plea to not fight. The two choices are to win, or to die." Ohanzee said before taking a sip from his golden goblet. Sohalia slowly walked 4 feet before stopping. The guy she was fighting sprinted in her direction. He took out his sword and slashed it, but Sohalia moved out of the way. She grabbed his armor from the back, and pulled it, as a result of him falling on his back. Sohalia stepped on his stomach. She took the sword from him and placed it facing his neck. Sohalia looked up at the audience, then fixing her gaze to Ohanzee, who was sitting comfortably under a shed, two pillars on each side holding it up. "I win," she announced. Sohalia looked back at the man on the ground, his eyes showing fear. "Please don't kill me! Please, I beg you!" He cried. "I won't." She said sternly. The crowd started shouting, then turned into chants. "Kill him! Kill him! Slit his throat! Stab his eyes! Kill him!" Sohalia stared at them in shock. Blanche understood now. Win or Die. Sohalia looked at Ohanzee. He raised his brows and smiled. Then, he mouthed, 'do it'. Sohalia shook her head. Ohanzee rolled his eyes. "You don't have much of a choice. Kill him, or you die." The High said. From above the colossal, guards aimed arrows at her. Sohalia closed her eyes and sighed. She whispered, "I'm sorry." The guy screamed. "No. NO!" Sohalia grasped the sword with both of her hands. She squeezed her eyes shut, then stabbed the sword inside his throat. The guy screamed, blood splattering across her face. A tear rolled down Sohalia's face. The crowd cheered loudly. "Alright, everyone. This is the end of today's game. Come back tomorrow for more contestants. And maybe Sohalia will fight again." The High announced, and everyone started to leave.

Blanche had escaped back to her cell. She couldn't believe what just happened. The snow disappeared and she was her normal self. I can't believe Ohanzee would watch people fight and die! Blanche punched the wall. The prisoner next to her shouted in annoyance. Two guards came through the big iron door, holding Sohalia's arms. "I can't believe you made me kill him! You guys are sick!" Sohalia cried. "Shut up pinky!" A guard yelled in frustration. "Stop calling me pinky!" Sohalia pushed air out of her feet and pushed the guards. The guards fell down, not having enough time before Sohalia took away their oxygen, causing them to pass out. "Blanche!!" She called out. "Here! I'm here!" Blanche answered. Sohalia rushed to her cell. "Shoot, this are iron bars. Do you know how to get out of these?" Blanche shook her head. "How did you use your powers? Didn't Ohanzee give you the power weaker?" Sohalia blew short air at the bars. "Who is Ohanzee? And no, they thought I could only fly so I was pretty much useless to them." Blanche realized he didn't call her. "Nevermind that, do you know how I can get my powers back? I don't want to be stuck as a dragon hybrid." Blanche pointed to herself. "There is a lab a few feet from here. I saw it while the guards were dragging me back." She glaced at their bodies. "What we have to figure is how to get you out of this cell." Sohalia tried bending the bars. Blanche smirked and turned into snow particles again. She slithered out from the cell and turned back. "You didn't tell me you could do that," Sohalia said. "Learned it from being stuck in this cell." Blanche curled her tail. "Okay, come on." Sohalia ran to the bodies and grabbed the keys. They both ran to the door. Sohalia unlocked it and the doors opened. "How'd you know?" Blanche raised her brow. "I saw them use this key." A prisoner yelled, "Let me out too!" Sohalia closed the door before they yelled at her. "I wish we could get them out." Blanche frowned. "Don't worry, we will once we kill this king." Sohalia and Blanche ran to wherever the lab was. The whole place was covered in grey iron bricks. Just before they could enter, two guards were chatting and walking. Blanche and Sohalia slid through a small section between two walls. The guards turned towards a door and went inside. "Close call." Sohalia sighed. They went back to the lab and opened the door. It was a dim green-blue color. No one was inside, so they could get whatever they needed. "Great. Uh, search for a blue liquid. It was that color." Blanche found it in an instant, but it didn't have any label. "Are you sure I should drink it?" Blanche asked, holding the skinny bottle. "Drink it? who said to drink it? Put it inside of a needle and inject it into your eye. Thats what they were going do do to me." Blanche almost threw up. "Stick a needle into my eye?" Sohalia nodded. Blanche groaned and took a needle which was next to her. She carefully poured the liquid into the needle. "I'm going to have to inject it, it should be inside of your iris." Blanche scooted back from Sohalia. "I don't even know you! How should I know you won't kill me?" Blanche asked. "My fiancé was a doctor. Now will you give it to me?" Sohalia answered. Blanche handed her the needle. "Okay, cover you mouth with this towel." Blanche followed her instructions. Fastly, Sohalia stabbed the needle into her left eye. Blanche screamed into the towel, but it didn't make any noise. Blanche squeezed her eyes shut. She could feel her wings disappearing. And then her horns and tail. Blanche became a bit more pale, her lips turning more brighter. "Couldn't you at least warn me?!" Blanche spat. Sohalia shrugged. "Sorry." Sohalia signaled her hand pointing towards the door. "This way." Blanche followed Sohalia until a guard came and slashed a sword at them, nearly hurting Blanche. "Fuck." Blanche stabbed him with an icicle. They ran up a set of stairs until they were outside. The arena was in view behind them. "There is a boat. I saw it, we can go from there!" Sohalia said. Blanche looked behind and saw a set of guards going towards them. "We got a problem!" Blanche said. Sohalia pushed air causing a few of them to fall. They were in front of the boat. "You get in first." Blanche said. Sohalia nodded, then made room for Blanche. She got inside too. "Okay, I'm going to push the water so it's going to go fast." Sohalia said. Before she did that, Blanche spoke. "Sohalia, I'm sorry. I have to stay. I need to know more about them." She got out of the boat. "What?" Sohalia asked. "Go without me." Then, Blanche pushed ice out of her hand, causing Sohalia to move extremely fast, into the ocean. Sohalia tried to stop the boat but Blanche shook her head. The guards came and handcuffed Blanche. She surrendered as they dragged her back inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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