23: your dad's an asshole

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I gasped at the feeling of Rafe's hand touching my skin but quickly composed myself in front of my family.

The second his hand touched my thigh it created the perfect distraction. 

I looked down at his hand almost at the hem of my dress as he began drawing hearts on my skin not only causing slight goosebumps but calming me down at the same time. 

I moved my gaze back up to him with a small smile, he keep staring at me with the ends of his lips slightly turned up in a smile.

"We'll both be staying out of trouble" Sarah added sending a smile my way, I moved my eyes off her brother and smiled at her appreciating her words.

"Good to hear" Ward smiled.

"Indeed" My father agreed.

"We'll see how long it lasts" My mother scoffed making Rafe run his fingers down my legs as I stared ahead of me. 

Rafe edged his fingers further up my thigh until his fingers hit my dress and he slid them underneath grabbing the flask I had stashed under my dress. I quietly watched him twist the cap off and pour the straight vodka into my glass whilst the parents began talking about their business.

I smiled graciously as he handed me the drink with a wink. I quickly drank the liquid slightly scrunching my face but getting it down smoothly nonetheless. Rafe's hand snaked up my dress as I tried to cover my shock with a fake cough. I tried to mask my emotions when his fingers brushed over the material of my underwear causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

Rafe didn't stop touching me through the thin material even when my brother was staring questioningly at us from opposite the table, I tried my hardest to keep my face blank trying to listen to my parent's conversation but I could only focus on his touch seemingly making my surroundings unimportant.

I glanced up at Rafe seeing him look innocently ahead at Spencer and Sarah.

"How's college treating you, Spencer?" Rose asked looking at my brother. Rafe's hand steadied on my thigh at the mention of the topic.

"It's great I love it, can't wait to go back, to be honest," Spencer said honestly nodding his head.

"That's lovely" Rose responded.

"You see I wanted that for Rafe, but he had other ideas of how he should be spending his time," Ward said bitterly.

Rafe squeezed my thigh hearing his father's words, "He thinks he can sit back and have everything handed to him" Ward uttered with a snarl. 

Rafe's hand dropped from my leg and a second later I heard his chair scrape along the hardwood floor. The whole table watched as he stormed out of the room without a single word.

Sarah looked amused at the situation but I was less than, so I too stood up from the table "If you'll excuse me". 

I walked out of the dining room with an awkward smile as all eyes were suddenly on me. I tried to find Rafe on the first floor but assumed he'd be upstairs so that's exactly where I went.

I was standing outside his bedroom door feeling a strong sense of deja vu, it bought back memories of last summer and us sneaking around the house trying not to get caught. 

I would fall asleep in Sarah's bed and wake up in Rafe's the next morning. We were obsessed with each other and spent almost every waking hour together. 

Everyone thought our sudden friendship was odd but to us, it felt natural, and soon enough it wasn't just a friendship anymore. 

I fell for my best friend's brother and he fell for me, I just wish I would have known how our story would end.

Shaking my head of my thoughts I curled my fist and banged on his bedroom door with one hand lingering around the doorknob.

"Fuck off!" Rafe roared from inside the room but I rolled my eyes and opened his door anyway. "I don't want to talk!" he yelled turning his body around. He was seemingly shocked seeing me enter the room and his hateful look slowly disappeared.

He watched me enter his room and sit down on his bed after hiking my dress down. "Nothing's changed at all" I muttered looking around his bleak-looking bedroom. Everything was in the exact same place it was a year ago.

"I don't want to talk" Rafe sighed standing opposite me with a stoic look.

I looked over at him, "Okay" I shrugged my shoulders "I'm good with that".

He sent me a questioning look as I patted the spot next to me on the bed "Sit". 

Rafe did what he was told and sat beside me in silence. I leaned back on the bed to stare up to the ceiling as he stressfully raked his hand through his scruffy hair. Grabbing a hold of his bicep I pulled his body back onto the soft mattress to lay near my body.

"Not fun when you're parents clearly favor your sibling huh," I said amused turning my head to look at him.

Rafe quickly turned his head with a nasty snarl "What did you just say" he said through gritted teeth.

"Would you relax" I rolled my eyes at his sudden anger "Have you met my father. He worships the ground Spencer walks on yet I'm the little slut who's a disgrace to the family" I ranted moving my gaze back to the ceiling.

"Dad tells me like every day that uh- I can't do anything right," Rafe said following my actions and staring at the ceiling.

"When you've been hearing it for long enough it practically sticks"

"I wish it didn't, I'm sick of hearing his voice in my head all the fucking time"

I turned my head seeing he was already looking at me, "You're so much more than your father's words better yet his lies. Ignore what Ward says, if he can't recognise how kickass his son is then you're better off without him".

"How is it you always know what to say to make me feel better" he whispered brushing his fingers over my own that laid next to my side. 

Butterflies erupted in my stomach feeling his touch despite how little it was. 

But I couldn't help but smile when he laced our fingers together and brushed the pad of his thumb against my skin in circles.

"You've never been a disgrace and honestly your father telling you that makes me want to march downstairs and knock him out cold...you Willow are everything good in this fucked up world"

"You can be quite charming when you want to be" I giggled.

"I know" he winked making me roll my eyes "But in all seriousness you're dad's an asshole"

"So is yours" I laughed making him smile.

"Don't tell Spencer this but you've always been my favorite Baldwin" Rafe said with a cheeky smile.

"I knew it" I flashed him a toothy smile "If only everyone thought that way".

"They're missing out"

"I...suppose," I said yawning. I sat up from my position keeping my hand in his but soon tore my hand away moving off the bed, "I'm tired we've got a big day tomorrow" I paused my sentence to yawn again "I'm going to head off".

"Goodnight Rafe" I whispered before turning around planning to walk back downstairs and go home with my parents.

Rafe had another idea though as he grabbed my arm holding me back. I turned my head over my shoulder with questioning eyes, "Stay...I mean please stay I don't want to be alone right now" he said lowly.

"Rafe...I don't know".

"Please Willa just tonight, just this once then you can go back to hating me for all I care" 

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