Chapter 60: The Encounter

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"You ruined my life. Just because you could. Just another notch on your bedpost. Was it the fame? The money? You could have had anyone else."

"What are you fucking talking about?" Tully hissed, "Just get away from me."

"Oh, you want to be left alone? I wanted my boyfriend to be left alone too, but did you respect that? No."

Tully felt her blood heat and her vision begin to darken around the edges. No, no, not now.

Tully pulled her hair out of her ponytail and flicked it down over her head and back up again, letting it settle over her shoulders. They all headed straight into the kitchen to re-hydrate. Heikki and Tully took a seat either side of the breakfast nook and poured over Heikki's notes while Sebastian leaned against the bench watching them and sipping at his water.

"Good morning." a female voice purred.

Tully and Heikki both looked up as Hayley swept into the room and went straight over to Sebastian, wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing his lips tantalisingly slowly.

To Hayley's delight, Sebastian placed a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in closer.

Heikki and Tully glanced at each other before returning to the paperwork in their hands.

After a few moments, Sebastian pulled away from Hayley. He couldn't pretend he wasn't a little bemused by her intensity but wasn't about to complain either.

"Morning." he mumbled, smiling down at her happily.

"Good run?" she asked, reaching behind him for a mug.

"Not bad, we had to slow down for Tully but..." Sebastian trailed off, mischievously glancing over at the two trainers sitting at his breakfast table.

Tully snorted, especially considering she'd lead almost the entire way and was the least out of breath at the end.

Hayley finally acknowledged there were other people in the room and looked over at Heikki and his sister.

Tully smiled up at her cheerfully, not failing to notice Hayley's face visibly fall as she looked her over.

"Morning Hayley." Heikki said.

"Hi." Hayley replied, tearing her eyes away from Tully to smile at him warmly.

"This is my sister, Tully." Heikki said, gesturing over the table.

"Nice to meet you." Tully said politely.

"You to." Hayley replied bluntly, shooting her a clearly forced smile.

"You're Hayley." Tully said, returning to the present and grasping her forehead as she tried to breathe evenly.

"How kind of you to remember me now. Shame you couldn't ever do that in the beginning."

"You had broken-up with him before anything ever happened with us." Tully growled, trying to remember everything Seb had told her about Hayley the day before, as the darkness at the edges of her vision crept further and grew blacker.

"Why bother lying about that now?" Hayley seethed, "We were together for 7 years. 7 fucking years. You come along and it's over within a couple of months."

"You slept with someone else, in his bed."

"Well by that time I deserved some attention too, no? Seb's attention was already far too busy with you."

"No, that's not how... argh." Tully gripped the edge of the pool tightly, but it was too late. Everything simply went black.


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