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Your pov:
Today i could not sleep out of excitement.
My friend, Alora had bought us tickets for an old horror movie.

None of us knew what horror film but we didn't care.
Sure, i hate horror films but i like the jumpscares.
Alora loves them more than i love bandanas.
I REALLY love bandanas, and i have a huge amount of them.

Anyways, when i could not fall asleep i went downstairs to make myself some food.
I found some ice cream in the freezer and started to eat it.
It was strawberry flavored, my favorite.
Alora's was chocolate.

Suddenly i heard a ping from my phone. A message. I walked into the living room where my phone was charging.

The message was from Alora. It said: Are you ready to go?
I thought it was strange, who wouldn't it was 04:00 in the morning.
I texted back: Uh, Alora? Its four in the morning. What do you mean?

I waited five minutes while she texted.
Ofcourse, i was just being silly.
But i wanted to say what the horror films name was, since i found it out.

I stared at the screen with a puzzeld look. She really did find it out?
I didn't really think she found it, because we used hours together trying.

After two minutes i texted: So, what movie is it?
After some time i got a fast response: Not gonna tell you.

I felt really fed up at that point and called her. She didn't pick up. She always does. I though't something was wrong, she always answered me.

But i though't nothing of it, Alora was always weird.
I texted back: Alright, so goodnight then?

Then she went offline and i put my phone to charge. When i went to the kitchen the ice cream was completly melted.

[Oh. What a Nice meal wasted. Oh well]

I put it back into the freezer not having appitate anymore.
I went back upstairs to try to fall back to sleep.
When i fell into the bed i slept like a baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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