Seeing Su Yi's movements, Sinor couldn't help but smile: "Mino's spice, he said you reacted so strongly to the smell of blood, you might be pregnant with a female."


"You can see it all?" Su Yi thought it was amazing.

"Yeah, you can see it. Tang Yu doesn't have any other reactions. He is also a little bit sleepy and gluttonous, because he is a good little orc in his stomach. And you just got pregnant, just like that. It must be a female."

Sinor said, kissing Su Yi's mouth happily. Females are inherently delicate, and there have been fewer and fewer females born in various tribes in the past two years. In the eyes of other people, Su is also a great blessing to be pregnant with a little female.

Sinor obviously liked the child very much, because people who were not very talkative could not stop saying no when they talked about Su Yi's belly.

"Su Yi, the gestation period of the Wing Snake tribe is very short. Although you have to be a bit wronged because you are a female, you should be able to give birth in the hot season."

Su Yi was reluctant to interrupt Sinor and nodded very cooperatively, with a pair of eyes. Staring at Sinor. Now Sinor's whole person is shining, and a handsome and extraordinary person who is already long is even more energetic at this time, and it is so good to look away. His jewel-like eyes flashed with dazzling light when he spoke.

"Su Yi, if you are a young woman, we must make him a more beautiful room. I heard Mino say that young women love beauty, and it's best to get him a beautiful flower room. Just like Mino's house. , The window is full of various flowers..." When

Sinor spoke, his thin lips closed together. His lips were lighter than ordinary people, with a seductive and moist luster.

Su Yi's eyes began to straighten, and he suddenly pulled Sinor's neck down and put his toes on his thin lips.

It was not hot enough, but it warmed the softest part of Su Yi's heart.

Sure enough, when people are pregnant, they feel moody and sentimental.

Su also closed his eyes, carefully feeling the temperature of Sinor. Sinor's emotions couldn't help but get out of control when Su Yi suddenly kissed him.

If there is no such person, what would happen to Sinoel?

Still wandering around, there is no warm home, and there are not so many companions. It may have died in the last snow season and was submerged in the white snow.

"Su Yi,

thank you for your hard work." Su Yi lay down in Sinoor's arms, and after a long time, he asked, "What happened to the herd?"

"It has been resolved, don't worry about it." Xi As Noel said, he walked outside holding Su Yi, he knew that Su Yi should be hungry.

"What about the two children?" Su Yi refused to come down, clinging to people like an octopus.

Su also took his behavior for granted as pregnancy syndrome. He feels that he is a baby now and needs Sinoor's love.

"I'm helping to clean the valley. I guess I will be back in the evening." Sinor said, holding Su Yi tightly with one hand, and flexibly started cooking with the other hand. Recently, Su Yi has become lazy, and Sinoer's cooking skills have gradually improved. Although it is still not as delicious as Su Yi, it is already considered good among orcs.

After Su Yimei was full, little Eli, leading his team of small partners, suddenly came back in a rush.

"Mother and father, mother and father! I heard Minuo Shu said that I am going to be an older brother?"

Su Yi looked at the little Eli, who was walking with short legs and looking irritated. Suddenly think of it a long time ago, now seems little Eli did not want the baby Su Yisheng, the Soviet Union would also like to tease him, "Yes ah."

Su also break off little ass in accordance with Xi Nuoer arms, looked at the little Eli, laborious off Drop your shoes. He numbly climbed onto the bed and came to Su Yi.

"Mother and father, you have to take a good rest, Uncle Mino also said, this is a little female, I will protect him in the future. And my little friends, they will protect him."

Little Eli had a serious face, and pointed at a pile of small heads at the door. Those little heads, after hearing Little Eli's words, began to nod frantically.

Su Yi originally thought that little Eli would say: Father, I don't want you to have a baby or something. But he didn't expect that little Eli would say so.

At this time Dino also climbed onto the bed, he came to Su Yi almost carefully, and then his little face was tight.

Dino said with a serious face: "Father, can I touch my brother?"

When he heard this, little Eli's eyes lit up.

"I want too!"

Sinor frowned, "No, it's not stable now, you are not serious or serious." The

two children suddenly looked disappointed, Su Yi opened his clothes amusedly, and looked at himself flat and strong. Lower abdomen.

"Now that my brother is still young, I can't feel it at all, so how about it, wait until my brother is old, let you touch it?"

Hearing Su Yi's words, the two of them looked at Su Yi's stomach together, and they couldn't see anything at all. So the two of them rolled out of bed unwillingly and went out to play.

In the days that followed, Su Yi had a very awkward life. He was a moving person before, and he wanted to get involved no matter what. But since he became pregnant, he didn't bother to die. Recently I heard that the wandering orc found a female outside. Because the female was still young, he took it to the hunter, hoping that the hunter could help the child find a good family. However, the child probably has no sense of security in a strange place, so he is reluctant to go anywhere. Finally going around, the child followed the wandering orc to live outside the valley. Later, someone felt that an orc with a child was not safe outside the valley. He proposed that the stray orcs should also move into the valley with their children. In the past two days, everyone in the valley is helping the wandering orcs build houses.

Su Yi also heard that Tang Yu's temper has been getting worse recently, and it seems that because he is going to have a baby for a while, he is a little bit anxious.

After that, I heard that Reg confessed to Ian, but Ian refused. Ian's heart knot is now open, and the whole person is lively. I often go out hunting with the orcs, and my body is getting stronger and stronger.

As for Su Yijia, the biggest change was in the two children, especially Little Eli.

That little willful little Eli seems to have grown up overnight, no longer always pestering Su Yi, and began to learn to dress himself, and even occasionally helped with housework.

However, a child over three years old said that he must grow up quickly to protect his brother and mother and father.

Dino recently started learning hunting, and occasionally helps Mino gather some herbs or something. Ordinary little orcs don't have this patience, but Dino loves to learn very much.

Because the whole family was pampering, Su Yi felt that he was completely reduced to a worm with inactive limbs.

After a while, another group of beasts attacked the valley. There were not many beasts in this group, and it didn't alarm the other people in the valley.

But when they drove away the herd, they accidentally saved a pair of mates. Everyone seems to be very curious about the appearance of outsiders, even Su is also a little curious.

On this day, Tang Yu was about to give birth suddenly.

Su Yi wanted to go and have a look, but Sinor ordered him not to go home.

Su Yi broke his fingers and calculated it. Tang Yu's gestation period was about eight months, which was considered to be the longer among the orcs. Su Yi's pregnancy is only five months, just after the cold season, almost giving birth in the hot season.

Tang Yu had been in pain for a whole day, until it was late at night, he finally couldn't make it anymore, he had to let Su Yi come over, otherwise he would not give birth.

Mino was also a little anxious, so he had to call Su Yi.

When Su Yi hurriedly arrived, Minor stopped him and said: "It was an egg. The child seemed a bit older, so I think I will suffer more."

(MTL) Rebirth With The BeastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant