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"You want so many rocks and soil, what are you going to do?"

Jero couldn't help but ask curiously.

Su Yi smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "I'm going to build a big house. You also know that there are two snake-like orcs in my house. It's too cold in a cave like that in the snow season. I'm going to build a big house." , And then get a big kang snow season so you won't be afraid of the cold."

"What's a house?" Dilson frowned slightly, having never heard of it.

"You'll know if you have nothing to do with it. Just like a cave, it's used to live in."

Su also plans to build a four-bedroom, one-living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, one large bedroom and two small bedrooms, and one room for sundries. There are two yards at the front and back, where you can plant vegetables and fruits.

Early the next morning, Su Yi approached Dilson for help. Sinor's animal body had no claws, so he couldn't quickly complete the foundation digging project. When Dilson came, he even called Jells. Although Jells had a cold face the whole time, he didn't say anything. But Jells' beast body is so handsome. When he turned into shape, Su Yi thought he was watching a magical blockbuster. Is that a real dragon? Jells looked more like a dragon in Western mythology, with a huge body with two sturdy and terrifying claws, and he dug out the foundation that Su Yi was about to dig in a few strokes.

After that, Su also sent Dilson and Jells to dig the clay, while he and Sinoe planned the specific layout of the room. Because it is necessary to pan the kang, the problem of the flue must be considered in advance. After the layout is finalized, it is already noon.

Mino, who was already able to help with cooking, took Esby to the river and assumed the responsibility of cooking. Su Yi would occasionally come over to give Minor some guidance. Although Mino has a weak personality, his cooking skills are not bad.

In the afternoon, Su also let a few of them lay the foundation. When laying the foundation, they used a very flat stone to lay the foundation a little bit firmer. Su Yi is very fortunate that the orcs here are really strong, and they have to do everything a lot faster. During the construction of the house, time passed quickly. As the head of the overseer, Su Yi watched the house being built quickly and styled, not to mention how proud he was.

At Su Yi's request, the walls of the house were very wide. Although it was time-consuming, laborious, and stone-consuming to build it in this way, it was very strong. When it was time to pan the kang, because it was a meticulous job, Su Yi personally went into battle, and tossed a few times in a row. Many times during this period, there were problems with the kang. The internal structure of the kang is actually very complicated. To prevent the passing smoke, run away immediately. Inside the kang, the flue must be staggered. The layout of Su Yi's master bedroom is like this, except for the doorway and the middle of the room, all other places are Kang. Near the window is the bed, about four meters wide, and the one connected around it is only one meter two to three meters wide. Those places were used by Su Yi to place things. Because Su Yi chose, the Kang was started, and it really cost Su Yi a lot of effort. In order to place the leaking smoke, Su Yi directly mixed the sand with thick clay, and brushed all the kang. When the results came out, Mino said unceremoniously: "You might as well, the whole room is filled with kangs like this."

Su Yiyi thought it was true, so when he was helping Little Eli, he directly made Little Eli's room a similar floor heating Kang. When little Eli found that his room was a bit taller, he asked very puzzled: "Mother and father, why is there no place to sleep in Eli's room."

Su also pointed to the entire room and said to Little Eli: "Baby, look at your entire room, it's your bed."

When Su Yi also copied the pattern of Little Eli's room, Asby's heart refused.

Regarding the roofing of the house, Su Yi wanted to use wood and stone slabs at first. Later, when Sinoor and Jero were hunting, they found several long-necked beasts that were eaten by other beasts. Brought back his bones. The bones of the long-necked beast are very strong, and Sinor tried his best to entangle a long-necked orc when hunting before, but did not break the long-necked orc. Sinor's beast body, that huge figure, caused terrible damage. In the huge beast, as long as it is entangled by Sinoor, Sinoor will directly break its spine. And because the long-necked beast has a huge body, its bones are also very long, which can be used as a house beam. Bone is stronger than wood, and lighter than slate. It is a very useful thing.

After the house was topped, Su Yi also used bones to make a swing for little Eli and Asby in his yard. The happy little Eli had been entangled in the swing and did not want to get off.

The house was built in about 20 days. If it was not for the waste of seven or eight days for the middle pan Kang, it should be completed sooner.

During the few days when Su Yi was panning the kang, Asby and Little Eli helped Su Yi find ginger and sesame pepper. At that time, I was busy and didn't have time to cook, so although Minuo collected a lot of ginger and sesame pepper, he didn't try to make other food.

Now that the house has finally been completed with untold hardships, Su Yi and Xinuoer went down to the river to catch four big fish, planning to have a spicy fish hot pot in the evening. Because I'm not sure everyone can eat spicy food, Su Yi didn't put too much chili when making the bottom of the pot.

Su Yi handled the fish, cut into pieces, filled with eight washbasin-sized clam shells. Mino also helped, washing a lot of vegetables, and cutting the potatoes into slices and set aside for later use. Later, seeing Dilson bring other people, Su Yi suddenly felt a little worried. With so many orcs, this bit of fish is definitely not enough to eat. Su Yi took Sinor with him, saying that he was going to move things, but in fact he took out some things from the space to cover people's eyes. Among the things that Su Yi brought out included a whole Tooth Beast and a clam shell that was bigger than the iron pot they used. Su also intends to cook a pot, always feeling that so many people are really not enough to eat.

Now that he had two pots, Su Yi put enough spicy in the iron pot, planning to make this pot a super spicy pot. As for the clam shell pot, I plan to make it light so that the two children and Mino can eat it.

With the help of Sinoor and Mino, the entire Tooth Beast was quickly processed into pieces.

If you eat hot pot, these orcs have to use chopsticks, but these careless orcs can't use chopsticks at all. In desperation, Su Yi asked them to eat with chopsticks. Ian has been in a bad mood, but quickly learned. Learning to use chopsticks is actually a matter of talent. When Su Yi was a child, he was often laughed at by his father because he could not use chopsticks.

The author has something to say:

In order to ensure the quality of the article, it will be updated every day from tomorrow, and all the bugs pointed out by the little angels have been revised.

Sure enough, if you write too quickly, you will make more mistakes. Buyu is a full-time writer, and requires 20,000 to 30,000 words a day. So this orc article was written too quickly, and I am sorry that there are many shortcomings.

Not a great god, I really can't work hard! ! !

If you write too quickly, bugs fly all over the sky. The little angels are dissatisfied, and I am not satisfied.

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