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I woke, the sun barely peaking over the horizon, perfect. I got out of bed, making my way to the bathroom for a quick shower. The events of yesterday came back to me, causing me to laugh at what Copia's letter had said.
I walked out of the bathroom, ready and in my band-wear. I had woken up at the perfect time, breakfast being one of the best things ever after I forgot dinner last night. I had honestly only been thinking about my three 'brothers' and that making new friends subject. New friends... Well that's something hard to come across if you know almost everyone.

I was walking down the hall to the kitchen, hearing a voice call out from behind me. "Morning Flare! Going to the kitchen without anyone else around?" I heard Omega ask, confused.

"Well you and the other two did say I had to overcome my fear right?" I laughed, my tail betraying my nervousness.

"Well yes but we don't want you to burn the kitchen down!" He quickly responded "I can go in there for you" he offered.

I shook my head no "it'll be fine! As long as yknow the same thing doesn't happen again!" I said referring to the accident that almost cost me my life 3-4 years ago.

"Well if you want I can wait outside?" he offered, not wanting to leave me alone. I could tell he was quite hesitant with this but let me do whatever.

I nodded "yes please! You will have to do because it would've been better if Water was here but still!" Omega nodded in agreement, we continued walking to the kitchen now that everything was sorted out. I was still highly nervous, but with Omega I calmed a little.

"Again you don't have to" the ex-rhythm guitarist mentioned, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at him, walking into the kitchen, heads turning quite quickly to look at me. Oh Satan.. I forgot about this factor. I quickly just looked around for things Swiss would take so I didn't waste an hour to get food, adding some healthier options too. I got to a spot at which I quickly moved on from, exiting the kitchen with my plate, exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Great job sis!" Omega clapped, causing my nerves to fully dissolve. I did it! Sure, I skipped over the last part but I did it! "Now I'll be back in a minute so time me" Omega laughed, causing me to giggle.

I watched Omega quickly run into the kitchen, counting each second. After maybe 53 seconds, Omega came back with a full plate of just meat. I raised an eyebrow, but decided to not say anything. Omega walked me to my room, Mist already waiting there for me. Omega walked away, presumably to find Water, Swiss, and Alpha to tell them about my accomplishment.

"How come Swiss has a key to your room but I don't?" Mist pouted.

"You HAD a key to my room and then you lost it" I reminded her, opening the door to let her inside.

"Yeah but I won't lose it this time!" She tried to argue.

"You said that the other three times too" I chuckled, placing my plate on my ...clean desk? And a letter?

"Wow do people only send you letters or something?" Mist laughed.

"I guess they're too scared of me" I chuckled opening the letter "another one from Copia" I rolled my eyes.

"Well then read it!" Mist demanded. 

To my dearest fire ghuleh

I just wanted to inform you that you can come to practice a bit later today if you please. I asked Mountain and Swiss to 'babysit' in your place. And also I don't know if you want to see some of the ghouls after the events of yesterday so I'm playing it safe!

All bark no bite.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن