46. Decisions and a Dancing Werewolf

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The boy drummed his fingers on the table.

"There's, er, someone," he started, "She's, er... well, you know her. Kind of—"

"You can form sentences, right?" smirked Madiha.

"Of course—I just—okay." Regulus took a deep breath. "I think I like Mary."

Madiha started beaming. "Mary Macdonald?"

"Don't be so loud!" he hushed, looking a little panic-stricken. It was only a whisper. In a crowded pub.

"Tell me once more that you're not dramatic—"

"I'm not!"

Shaking her head at his theatrics, Madiha took a long drink of her butterbeer. This revelation was not a surprise to her; she'd seen the way he acted around the girl in the few instances they were within two metres of each other. And while, to the untrained eye, it would not be obvious at all, Madiha was thrilled in knowing that she had caught on so quickly.

"Stop staring at me," muttered Regulus.

"I'm just trying to see why Mary would ever like you back," she teased.

Stunned, the boy blinked before starting to protest indignantly.

"I'm not ugly, Maddi!"

Before she could control herself, Madiha burst out laughing.

"I was joking, Reg, you're handsome enough." She reached over and bopped his nose. "I'm sure she won't be repulsed."

Although he was still thoroughly affronted, Regulus let the matter go, seeming to having more important matters to discuss at the moment.

"We've talked properly once," he said.

Making sure the drink avoided the mandrake leaf in her mouth, she took another sip of butterbeer.

"You have?"

Regulus told her about their little exchange after the first match of the season and Madiha grew more and more convinced that the girl also harboured feelings for him. There was a simple way to bring them together.

"You're not going with anyone to the ball, right?"


"Then ask her."

Suddenly, Regulus Black had bulging grey eyes. "Are you mad?"

"What's the worst that can happen, Reggie?" she asked calmly.

He stared at her like she'd lost the plot. "That she'll say no."

"Just take it like a decent person and say, 'okay, I respect that' and move on."

"That's so embarrassing."

"Just do it somewhere where there's not many people," Madiha said wisely, "Be clever about it. But don't pressure her either—"

"I know how to be respectful, Maddi."

"Good to hear that," she nodded, "But remember to be respectful when you hear yes and when you hear no."

Leaning back in his seat, Regulus gazed at his tankard, hesitancy etched into his features.

"I just don't think she'll want—"

"Stop doubting yourself and ask her to go with you," Madiha sighed impatiently.

The boy remained conflicted for some moments before conceding. "Fine."

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