41. The art of counting (NSFW)

Start from the beginning

It wasn't at all as it had been at Florian's house, there it had felt like performances for an audience. Here everyone was in their own private worlds just focusing on their partners and only a few people watched. My gaze was immediately drawn to a woman on a cross. Her body was riddled with thin red lines made by a knife that a masked man held in his hand. My skin tingled by the mere sight of the blade. Ash placed his hand on the small of my back.

"Wanna watch some?" he whispered in my ear, and I nodded. "Then I want you on your knees in front of me."

I woke up a little and eyed him in surprise, but he just pointed to the floor at his feet. I sank down at once, with my back to him and he stood just behind me and placed his hand on top of my head, softly digging his fingers through my hair. The act was so simple, but the meaning of it made my insides shake with desire. I was his. I belonged to him and him alone.

The man with the mask whispered something to the woman and the long blade of the knife gleamed in the light as he slid it across her collarbone. Hypnotized I watched the red trail form on her skin, almost lured to the surface by the knife until it stopped at the breastbone. The blade pushed down harder against the skin until a small drop of blood appeared, and I drew in a slow breath.

My body buzzed. The man lifted the edge of the knife and pressed the tip down an inch from the first wound and another tiny droplet formed. After a while the woman had a ring of red drops at the center of her chest, and I was transfixed. Unable to look away.

Ash gently pressed my head backwards somewhat and I could feel his hardening cock rub against the back of my head. Desire shot through me like fire, and I had a hard time sitting still, a low moan escaping my lips. I was torn. I wanted to stay seated and watch the scene in front of me. But I also wanted to just turn around and rip his pants off with my teeth. He chose for me by pulling me up to my feet by my harness.

"Enough looking for you, I think," he smiled and steered me towards one of the open doors. "I hope you remember that I'm gonna teach you a lesson?"

I had completely forgotten about that. The scene with the knife had effectively shut my brain off and suddenly I was wide awake again. Did he want to punish me for real? I couldn't read his smooth voice, but just the knowledge that he had both the crop and the paddle made my skin prickle in terrified anticipation.

The room was small, with just a form of steel frame and a couch and when he shut the door, he turned to me smiling. I watched him carefully, trying to decipher him.

"I just forgot," I blurted out.

He seized my wrist hard and led me to the steel frame.

"Yeah, you told me," he said calmly and fastened my wrist in one of the cuffs that were welded onto the frame. "And what did I say to that?"

"That I wouldn't forget next time," I mumbled, and anxiety nagged in my stomach as he imprisoned my other wrist and walked behind my back.

"Exactly. Spread your legs."

I peeked behind me and caught a glimpse of a steel pipe in his hand. What the hell was he doing? Now worry gripped me for real and frantically I tried to look behind my back.

"Ash, what are you up to?"

He was in front of me in one second and the slap unexpectedly stung my cheek.

"Do as you're told."

Startled, I obeyed in an instant and stared down to see what he did. The pipe had cuffs as well and he secured them around my ankles, with the steel pipe between my legs, forcing me to spread my legs apart. I was completely immobilized. He came up in front of me again and caressed my burning cheek and watched me with calm eyes.

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