Chapter 6: Joe Who?

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"No." Steve sighed, "i'm not favoring anyone"he sighed and dragged you with him, cradling you like a baby.

after a few seconds of silence you ponder, "do you like Britney?"


"you d-d-d-d-d-dont?"

"Of course i don't! she practically forced me to dance with her!"

"do you like m-m-m-me??"

He snarled like a fierce goat and put his and on your head, "it's you that i want"

You smirk and you and steve skip class to get to know each other better, since you'll be wed soon.

The bell rings signaling recess. As you walk to the playground you gather what you learnt on steve

1. he's extremely tall (8,4)
2. he is extremely jacked (he benches 1929283832882 tons)
3. he plays football, basketball, baseball, track and tennis (just like the famous author nana) rugby, cricket, swimming, gymnastics, soccer,volleyball, lacrosse  and field hockey
4. he lives in a $29922929 million dollar mansion

You were wrapping up your 5th fact on steve when you finally approached the entrance to
the playground. you were sweaty. Your palms were sweaty, your feet were sweaty, your neck was sweaty even your toes were sweaty.

Just then vice principal peepeepoopook gets on the announcements

attention students, it has come to me that some of you plan to get married. This is elementary school and if any of you get caught you will be sent down to my office, have a good day.

You feel your heart sink. just then you were filled with rage and started flying like an airplane across the playground.

   When you finally run out of breath you shout, "WHO DID THIS??? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME AND STEVE?? WHO TOLD!?"

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