Chapter 3: Houses

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Hey Tom

Hey Gin

Gin? Really?

You dislike it?

Not particularly.

Okay then. Gin it is.

Ginny felt her eyes roll unwillingly.

How's your day been?

Fine. Mostly uneventful.

What did you mean last night? About my grandfather's 'Gryffindor antics'?

Nothing really, we just didn't get on all that well.

Oh really? How come?

She liked to imagine his knowing grin as he realised she was trying to make him talk about his past. It wasn't like she was being inconspicuous.

It was quite the rivalry. We often swept our whole houses up in the fighting.

End up with a lot of detentions?

He did. I myself was never one for getting caught.

She could feel the smile tugging at her lips.

What house were you in? Ruining Ravenclaw's studious reputation?

I was quite the book worm myself- although Septimus would have probably just called me a suck up or teachers pet.

I was the pride of Slytherin, never even had to serve a single detention.


What? You haven't heard of it?

How he managed to make even writing drip with sarcasm the way he did she would never know.

Shut up. Did you like it in Slytherin?

I loved it.

Slytherin was my home.

Do you think that I would like it there?

Thinking of ditching the gingers for us sneaky snakes?

She scowled.

No. I could never actually be in Slytherin. I was just wondering, was all.

Well then, that's rather a shame, because I think you'd fit right in.

She slammed the book shut.

Three days later she opened the diary up again. As soon as she did Tom's sharp writing abruptly appeared.

Finished sulking?

Sounds to me like you were the one sulking.


Did you really mean what you said?

Yes. Truly. From what little we've spoken I think you would be happy there.

Although, I would be able to tell more if you hadn't neglected me for three days.

Yeah, yeah sorry. But really?

For Gods sake, Gin, yes, really.

Oh. Okay.

From then on they talked all the time. On the morning of the 25th, he told her more about what Hogwarts was like in the 40s. The same evening he told her about the sorting hat, assuring her she wouldn't have to fight any trolls- assuming that wasn't new policy. She rolled her eyes at that. When she played ill the next day to spend the day talking to him, he described the castle to her. She wondered if it was really as beautiful as he said. She told him about her family, about how Fred and George loved playing pranks and Percy was prefect and Charlie studied dragons and Ron's friend Harry was staying for the Summer and how Bill was her favourite brother and worked as a curse breaker for Gringotts. Tom asked her where she fit in with them, what she liked doing, who she wanted to be. Ginny wasn't sure how to answer that.

Have you made a decision about your house?

She scowled down at the paper.

You'll be sorted tomorrow, you'll have to decide sooner or later.

I thought you said the hat decided?

It does. But you get a say too, Gin. You always get a say.

I do?

Of course. If you want to be in Gryffindor with your brothers I'm sure it'll be happy to oblige.

Although, I think it'll see the same thing in you that I have.

Oh? And what might that be?

A thirst. You're desperate to prove yourself. You want to be powerful.

When did I say that?

You didn't have to.

Ginny paused.

Just decide what you want, then you'll know which house can get you there.

I want to be outside of my brothers' shadow.

I want to be more than the youngest Weasley.

Then you know what to do.

Don't be cryptic, Tom.

My flair for the dramatic is well documented. I can't help it.

Goodnight, Tom.

Night, Gin. I know you'll go where you belong, one way or another.


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