6: What The Future Holds

Start from the beginning

"Ow-!" He looked up only to see a familiar face, "Why are you crying all alone on a playground?" The man starts. Kazuo, confused, looked at who the man was talking to. He turns around again only to find a small, black-haired kid, crouching down crying in the middle of the playground.

'That's odd. I swear there was no one before' Kazuo thought, 'wait-' he quickly realizes something, 'didn't I just bump to him? How come he never reacted?' He thought as he starts frantically waving at the man, "hello! Hi! Hey! Kazuo here, hello??" He says over and over again and the man doesn't even flinch or look at him with an annoyed expression, 'okay so I'm invincible now?' He thought to himself. The man slowly walks to the kid, "Hey kid! Stranger danger!!" Kazuo lazily shouts. Knowing that he's just invisible.

The kid flinches and slowly brings his eyes up to stare at where Kazuo was standing. Kazuo flinched and he starts to get nervous. He blinked and the kid is just in his original position. No sign of movement whatsoever, 'that was weird' Kazuo thought to himself. The kid slowly looks up to the man. Dried and fresh tears visible on his face, "Why aren't you with your friends?" The man asks.

The little boy seemed hesitant to answer him, "...mom said to not talk to strangers," he says. The man blinked, he then starts chuckling, "That's right! It seems that you're taught well by your mother," He says. The two stayed there in silence until the boy finally decides to speak, "No one wanted to be friends with me. They would call me this.. name and then would run away," he says as his eyes starts to water again, "Name?" The man asks confused, "yes," he says. He sniffs and wipes his tears away, "they would call me 'Mikey' and run away," He said. Both the man and Kazuo's eyes widened, "wait does that mean-"

"What's your name then?" The man asks with a smile on his face. It took the boy a minute before answering his question, "Takahashi..." The boy says, "Takahashi Kazuo,"

'No way," Kazuo thought as he stared at the kid, 'don't tell me this is one of Kazuo's early childhood memories!?' He thought, still surprised, 'if that Kazuo, then who's..."

The man smiled and extends his arm, "Well Takahashi kun," he starts, "My name is Shinichiro Sano. Nice to meet you!"

Kazuo didn't even get to react properly when suddenly, everything went black. Kazuo was startled by the sudden change, "What the, what's happening!?" He says as he looks around. 'That was Mikey's older brother! Does that mean Kazuo already met him way back!?' He thought as he tries to walk around.

Suddenly, he felt a sudden presence from behind, "You.." the voice starts, Kazuo immediately turned around only to find a person who looks exactly like himself, "Kazuo..?", "How..." 'Kazuo' starts, "how dare you take my life away from me!?" He shouts and started attacking Kazuo, "OW!" A hand was put on his mouth as 'Kazuo' starts choking him, "How dare you suddenly enter and ruin the quiet life I've worked for!" He shouts as he adds more pressure, "You," he starts off obvious malice to his voice, "your soul should've been buried along with your dead body,"

Kazuo tries to break free but the grasp was so strong that he starts to run out of energy. 'Kazuo' continues to choke him until he felt all the air drain out of his system-

"AAAH!" He screams panting heavily. The dark and unsettling room wasn't there but instead, he was greeted by the sight of white walls and a smell that he could distinctively tell. He was still in a hospital. It was really quiet and all he could hear is the sound coming from the heart monitor.

His Look-Alike(Tokyo Revengers × Male OC)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now