Jason Todd x Reader

Start from the beginning

  The warehouse was near the docks, and by the smell of it it had probably been used to store fish. There were empty crates all along the walls and puddles of rain from the leaking roof. Above your head was a network of walkways that stretched over the space and connected to the slightly bigger walkway up against the wall.

  You walked silently through the shadows, eyes scanning for any sign of movement. The moon shone through a crack in the roof, making a sort of spotlight come down to the middle of the floor.

  You were just about to tell the others that it was a dead end when a flash of red movement caught your eye.

  You whipped around to stare at the spot where something had been. Heart beating wildly, you crept slowly towards the shadows, squinting to try and see if anything was hiding there. Maybe it was a rat or a mouse-

  Bam! Everything went black.


  You woke up to find yourself in someone's bedroom covered in a moth-eaten blanket and a sharp pain at the back of your head. When you tried to sit up your vision swirled and you lay back down again, groaning.

  As if triggered by your sound of pain, the sound of hurried footsteps were heard outside the closed door. You braced yourself to fight your way out of there, but the footsteps stopped just outside the door. As if whoever was there had hesitated.

  Just as you'd made up your mind to escape before they came in, they opened the door.

  The image you saw couldn't have been real. It just couldn't have. Whoever had captured you had probably given you some weird form of the fear gas or you were just dreaming, because there was no way that Jason Todd was standing in that doorway, looking at you with a mixture of caution and concern in his green eyes.

  You sat up, furiously blinking back the black spots that threatened to impare your vision.

  "Who are you! What have you done to me! How do you look like... like him," you choked on that last word, afraid to say his name.

  He stepped forward, putting a hand to his chest, "Y/nn, it's me. Jason."

  You shook your head, tears coming to your eyes, "No... No! Not this again! You're not real! You're not real! Jason died five years ago, you're just a figment of my imagination! I can't... I can't go through this again," you put your face in your hands to hide their shaking.

  After Jason had died, you had fallen into strong grief. You had started seeing things... seeing him wherever you went. You would forget he was dead and when you figured out that it was all your mind playing tricks on you, you would feel like he'd died all over again. You would lose him all over again.

  You hadn't gotten a vision like that in two years, and for it to be starting up again was not a good sign.

  Someone laid their hand on your shoulder and you tensed.

  The way you had realised that Jason wasn't real in your visions was the fact that when you tried to touch him—or he tried to touch you—your hand would pass right through his. So for you to be feeling his hand on your shoulder right now was impossible. Unless...

  Your head shot up and you saw he was crouching next to you, his face level with yours. You reached out hesitantly with your fingers and brushed the stubble on his chin. You gasped as you felt the rough hairs and the warm skin. Tears sprung to your eyes again, but this time you let them fall.

  "Jase?" You whispered, eyes roving over his face. He looked older than you remembered. No longer a teenager.

  He smiled softly, the expression so familiar to you that you knew, right then, that this was your best friend. He was alive.

Dick Grayson x Reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now