In da Club// Jc Caylen

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Jc's POV

I'm with the guys we are at a club right now, I got us a table and a few bottles.
"In Da Club" by 50 cent came on loud throughout the club and there's this girl who a bunch of people are gathered around cheering for.
I'm guessing it's her birthday.
Damn she's beautiful!

"Let's give it up for Y/n who's celebrating her 26th birthday tonight!"

"Let's give it up for Y/n who's celebrating her 26th birthday tonight!"

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"Yo Jc instead of just staring at her, go get her number."
"Nah man that's too straight forward."

Throughout the night I see this girl dancing and having a blast and can't keep my eyes off of her. I have to do something for her to notice me.


I get back to my table after dancing with my girls and can't help but notice a very good looking guy glancing over at me.

God those curls are perfect.

"Bottle of Casamigos Tequila for the birthday girl?"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't order-"

"A young gentleman bought it for you."

He hands to the bottle and motions towards the curly haired guy who finally waves.

I smile and decide to go over and thank him.

"Hey- uh thank you-"

"Jc. Jc Caylen."

I smile as I shake his hand that's waiting for mine."

"Thank you Jc. I'm Y/n."

We hung out the rest of the night, and the rest, was history.

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