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A fine evening..small cold breez is ,caressing all the places..the house is now really calm..the couple in the balcony were enjoying each others warmth..the sun was going down..Jungkook looked down and see his all time favourite scene..y/n was sleeping on his chest very comfortably.. She was absolutely tired from all these sh*ts.. A small smile crept on his face as he watches her..he slowly take his hand and removed a little bit of her shirt and he placed his hands on y/n's belly and caressed it slowly..he was too emotional..he cant believe the fact he is going to be a father..all the times he was super worried about y/n and her health. He knew they were playing with a life inside..but gladly everything went well..also jungkook was so thankful to his hyungs because they took care of
her while he was not with was so difficult for both of them..staying apart from each other, acting like they dont love each other, ..jungkook was really upset when he have to choose the company,even though it was all an act he was really upset..he took a vow to protect his love of life he cant even imagine that kind of situation...anyway some slight movements of y/n bought jk to his senses back..she rubbed her eyes cutely and looked at jungkook with a sleepy eyes..

Jk: did my baby's slept well??
(Y/n just nodded)
Jk: okay..then shall we go
     downstairs?our family is
    coming right??(he said while softly patting y/n's head)
Y/n:oh yeah..!!! (You suddenly said exited as jungkook chuckled)

They went to they reach,the doorbell ring..jungkook opened the door as all of their family crashed in..j hope and suga hugged jungkook as they went to y/n..they gave her gifts...
Namjoon and taehyung also came and hugged both of you. Every one were there..both of your parents..sisters ,brothers,cousins ,best friends..they were here to celebrate jungkooks birthday..Even though it was yesterday they plan to celebrate it today..everyone were in the hall ,then they heard someone scolding..everyone looked up to see only your older brother jin scolding taehyung for leaving him behind (prefer jins rap scolding 😂) every one laughed at the scene ..the party was over ..the members and wifes  finally settle down in the couch as they decided to watch a movie..but as they opened the tv ,it was on news channel..the news shocked everyone as they looked at each other..

" The famous business man Jeon jungkook have find with a girl yesterday evening..we dont know who is she ,but the a industry is asking about this matter..hope Mr.jeon will explain this...also some girls are coming forward as saying they are the one in the photos and they claim them self as his wife..we will only know if Mr.jeon clarify something. We can wait for his ans..*off*
Y/n trusfatedly  offed  the tv..and glared at jungkook..

Y/n cant they see its me.??and I want here those sl*ts who claimed my man as thems..I will surely sue them..argh!!!
Jk : calm down..calm down..(he said while back hugging her)😂
Jungkook turned to his hyungs and said
Jk: Hyungs..its time..
They all nodded..

The next day..
The flashlights made them barely open their eyes..all of the medias were present in the hall..the Kim's and Jeon's entered on the stage as the press conference started..
Reporter1: Mr.jeon I will.start from the main question..the rumor were true or not?are you really married?
Reporter 2: Some said it was your secratary. You really married your secretary?? Aren't you ashamed of that??
Hearing that jungkooks blood boiled..
Jk:Yes I am married..but what is your problem..??cant I marry someone?? And what if she is my secretary?? Whether she is poor or rich all I know I loves her..what kind of question was that..??why I even feel ashamed for marrying my love?!And I aint like you ms..I prefer love over money..(He said coldly) And stop if you are asking these kinds of y questions , anyway we have to reveal 3 important things..
Hyungs..(turned to taehyung)

Tae: first of all, let you know I was the hidden chief of the dectetive agency..and I would like to resign now and focus on my company..I am revealing it now because we had completed the last mission ,and it was operation "stranger black" .He was arrested yesterday and my sister who was also in my group helped me to find all the evidences..we collected it and it will send ir to the court..he was dead in the encounter..
(The crowd gasped and clapped)

Reporter: ,when are you going to reveal your sister??
You didint done it because of this mission??

Namjoon : Actually , she wanted to enjoy her school life as a normal student ,so it was her will to be hidden and also she wanted to hide her all identity for this mission too..and yes..she came here today ..
The members looked each other and called y/n on the she entered the stage the crowd started to whisper each other..

Reporter: isn't she was the secretary?? Mr.jeon can you explain?!!

Jk.: Okay..let me introduce the only sister of Kim's and hidden ceo of ot7enterprise ,also my dear wife
Jeon Y/n (jk comes to you and hugged you by waist..)
She hidden her identity for her easy life and work we thought this as the right moment to tell everyone because we are even expecting a baby together (he said while smiling)

The crowd gasped at this statement and started to cheer and let out awws..some girls were jealous but they cant do anything more..

Jk: Now I think all of your doubts are clear??okay wrap up the press meet..Thank you for your presence..

After saying that jungkook turned to y/n and smiled..
Jk: Now all set hon??are you good??
Y/n: yes ...I love you soo much dear loves you too ..
Jk: I love you too my angels..I am so lucky to have you ...thank you for coming in my life you meant a world for me..(both of you shared a lovely kiss)

The hyungs came...
Jin: So how are you gonna end this story??
Jk and y/n: It were all COLD SECRETS...(everyone laughed)

COLD SECRETS id officially signing off..


COLD SECRETS | JKFFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें