Chapter 2- The New Recrutes

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I was really excited for a new season to start not to mention that we were team USA. As time flew by we were on the ice and ready to meet our new teammates.

The first person who was introduced was Luis Mendoza. When I first saw him I started talking to Connie about him and she and I both thought he was pretty cute. Although she thought Guy was better. I was in between Charlie and Luis they were both super cute.

I think he became a little bit less attractive when he couldn't stop but it didn't bother me too badly. I think Charlie must have seen how I was looking at him because in a way he looked sort of worried but I don't know why. Unless... no he couldn't he's Charlie Conway, my best friend for years, we have always said that we would never like each other but I think that went out the window a while ago. Connie always says he likes me and if I like him like he likes me I should just make the first move, but I don't think he likes me all that much so every time she brings it up I shut her down pretty quickly.


The next player to be introduced was Dwayne Robertson. He seemed really nice even though I had just seen him for the first time ever. But I think it may have had something to do with him being from Austin, Texas. Just Texas in general. I just feel like they are very respectful.... sometimes. My grandfather was also from Austin, Texas just like Dwayne. He was always respectful even when people did him wrong. Not that he never got them back because he most definitely did.

He was a mighty fine puck handler I bet we were all thinking it only Don Tibbles actually said it. Coach Bombay just thought he meant for his age, he was very wrong. Mr Tibbles told him that aswell and, he didn't care what Bombay thought. He just said it.

I liked his accent it made me happy for some reason. I couldn't ever explain it either. Even if my life depended on it because I physically couldn't. It was pretty impossible.


The player who was introduced next was Julie "The Cat" Gaffney. She looked pretty cool. Connie and I looked at each other and we read the others mind. We both wanted to be her friend, it also couldn't be too hard because we were the only girls so it wasn't likely our request to be her friends would be declined.

She was a real good goalie. She was way better than Goldberg. You'd have to be blind to think any different. I loved Goldie but sometimes we just needed a new goalie.

I looked at Charlie and he was looking at me already but quickly looked away from me when he realized I caught him. "That was weird" I said to Connie.

"I'm telling you he likes you Y/N how blind could you be. He's sending so many signals." Connie answered me.

  "I don't know about my feelings yet though, because I think he's cute yes but, Luis is catching my eye a bit. And I'm not sure but I don't want it to be too late for me to tell them when I decide to and even if I end up actually doing it!" I whisper/yelled to Connie.

"We can talk about it later if you really need to think about it." Connie said comfortingly.

There were only two more players left one of them being Ken Wu, a figure skater with a stick playing hockey. He surprised me a little bit with his skills of spinning and not getting dizzy and falling down like how I would have done.

The next and last player being introduced was Dean Portman he was a goon as Coach Bombay called him. He was singing and he had his headphones on. Connie nudged me with her shoulder acting like I'd actually like someone like him. That's exactly what I told her too. "What I thought he was kinda cute if he wasn't such a goon." Connie said defensively. He then passed his hockey stick to me and said "Here ya go sweetie." I have to admit that made me pretty mad that he called me sweetie I don't like being called that, no one really does like me getting called that either because it seems weird because I hate being called that and everyone knows. I sent an unfriendly glare at him and he smirked at me feeling accomplished that he made my blood boil. Congrats to you Dean Portman you're annoying me. He then winked at me and we all walked off the ice after that. I'm pretty sure we were all pretty pissed with him by then.

♡tough love♡  charlie conway, luis mendozaWhere stories live. Discover now