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My whole life, I always assumed my biggest fear was being broken in front of people I knew. I thought that there was nothing worse than having everything you've ever done laid out in front of you and being deemed unworthy. 

Sitting here, listening to music at 1 am, I've realized that there is something worse than that. 

It's loving someone, giving everything you have to someone, and knowing they won't look at you that way. 

It's knowing that they had a profound impact on your life, but they don't even know your name. 

It's knowing that I'll have to find someone like you, because I'll never be able to have you. 

It's knowing that, as I daydream about you, thousands of other people are doing the same. 

It sucks being deemed unworthy, but what hurts the most is loving someone who is so far out of your reach, they're a star in the sky.

in a world called my mindWhere stories live. Discover now