The ladies of mystic

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(If I were to write a full book of this, the title above would not be the book name. It would perhaps be a chapter title)

Holly stared at the figures in front of her. They each had a glow and there was an aura of power around them. They turned towards her, her hazel eyes meeting the majestic ones of the floating ladies in front of her.

"Holly," one said, with a deep and rich melodious voice. "You've found us." Holly stayed silent for a moment before remembering how to speak. 

"How-how do you know my name?" She asked. The lady who spoke to her smiled, a strand of midnight black hair falling on her forehead. She pushed the strand back and opened her mouth to speak. 

"That isn't important right now. What is important is your quest," she said. 

"Do you know who we are?" Another woman asked. Holly thought for a moment and suddenly it clicked. "You're... you're the ladies of mystic."

The lady who asked the question smiled. "Yes, we are," she said. 

"I am Miracle," a woman with long blond hair and greenish-blue eyes said. 

"I am Destiny," Another woman with chocolate brown eyes said, she was the one who asked if she knew who they were. 

"I am Hope," said another woman with honey colored curls that reminded her of a book character, Annabeth but with baby blue eyes. 

"I am Magic," said one with wavy pastel rainbow colored hair. 

"I am Faith," another one said with wavy strawberry blond hair. 

"I am Legend," said one with fiery red hair. 

"And I am Forever," the woman with the deep and rich melodious voice said. Holly was awe-struck. The women that people thought were only fairytales were real, and they were right in front of her. She had to say something. 

"And I'm Holly," She said. "But I'm sure you already know that." All the women smiled. 

"That we do," Hope said. 

"I am assuming you know about my quest," Holly said. They all nodded. "Can you help me? The inscription said you would," she said, referring to the inscription on the small brown treasure box that she had with her, the very item that had been the reason Holly's adventure had started. But perhaps Holly was meant to go on this adventure either way. 

"Yes. Pay close attention Holly, we can only say this once, if we were to say it more than that, you know what would happen."

Holly did know what would happen. The person who had caused this mess was apparently 'watching' and would know more than they should if they weren't careful. At least, that's what the other people she had met on this quest had told her. They said if Chaos knew more, Holly would be in great danger. Well, at least in more danger than she was already in now. "I'm listening," Holly assured the goddess. The goddess nodded and took a deep breath. "Sisters. Ready?" She asked. All the ladies nodded and their eyes turned white and they looked as if they were seeing something beyond where they were now.

"Deep inside the Quaris wood, the tree of invisibility, visible to only the violet eyed Paria Mariza bird. Hear her sweet song and drink the honey dew, that'll take you to an enchanted lake and you'll know what to do." They all said in unison.

There was a moment of silence as Holly went over what they said over in her head. The Quaris wood? I feel like I've heard that before...

Then suddenly it clicked.

"Brufos! He told me about the Quaris wood!" She exclaimed. "He said that all magic in the world is there. But no one ever goes in it before because of a legend about a Farin king guarding it," she said.

Legend nodded. "To survive in the Quaris wood you must face many dangers," she said.

"Of course," Holly muttered. She wasn't even surprised at this point. This whole adventure was danger, danger and more danger. She went from hanging out with her friends and chatting about all things to running away from her home, accidentally fall into a portal, having to escape a crowd of angry Morjifs, oh who she hated those little mind manipulators, almost getting trapped underground for eating honey and meeting the real life version of Hagrid named Brufos. That last part was actually really cool. Except when Firosies, the evil version of fireflies brainwashed him and his family into going after Holly. Now she was running away from her friend and his family as well as trying to survive on her quest. So wonderful.

"I think you better go now," Destiny said. Holly looked to see her face and realized she was looking up at the sky so she turned her head upwards to see what she was looking at. The sun was setting.

"Oh no! You're right! I have to go!" Holly exclaimed. "Goodbye Holly, and goodluck on your quest. May you triumph," Forever said. She exchanged a look with her sisters, then with a last look at Holly, she and the rest of the goddesses disappeared.

A/N: As you've noticed, the main character's name is Holly. I actually named her after my irl BFF's (alexandrabaileylover) dog who passed away a while ago. R.I.P Holly

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