Chapter 1

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Name: Hopi Black 

Age: 17

Height: 6'1


Wolf form: 

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Wolf form: 

Draco's Pov

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Draco's Pov

     The sunlight warmed my body and I could hear birds chirping around me. My eyes shot open and my head feel dizzy. Because I raise my head to quickly. I looked around and I was in a woods of some kind. But it was defiantly not the Forbidden Forest, because it wasn't as dark and creepy as the Forbidden Forest. "Bloody Hell, where I am ?" I ask. I heard a branch snap and I jump. I quickly found my wand. I got onto my feet. A huge wolves soon surround to me and I froze fear. I faint like a loser, due the fear of getting attack. 

Hopi's Pov

     I race towards and the weird male fell onto my back. So he didn't hit the ground. "See I told you guys that we shouldn't have surround him like this. Because almost anyone would past out due to be surrounded by huge ass wolves. Well, he isn't an vampire, because he has a heartbeat. You guys are jerks, I am going to take him to the Cullen's house. Because I want to make sure that he is okay. Because it's not normal just to show up in the woods," I said through the mind link. They roll their eyes. Jacob laughs at them and said "damn, I leave you alone for one minute. You already got yourself into trouble. Here, I let me help you get him onto your back, Hopi." He picks up the silver blonde male and puts onto my back. "What is up with the outfit that he is wearing? It isn't the cloak that those blood sucker king wear?" I shrug my shoulders. 

       I took off running and jump over the little valley. I stop in their yard and I howl. Emment was the first one to appear as it should be because he is my best friend. "What's wrong, buddy? You usually don't howl to get our attention," he ask. "It's because he has someone on his back, honey. What is wrong with his scent, because he smells like a human, but yet not," Esme said. I look at Edward and said through my mind "I found this guy in the middle of the woods. I was wondering Carlisle is home and could give a check up. Because I want to make sure that he is okay." Edward nods and said "he wants to have Carlisle give him check up, because he found him in the middle of the woods. " I smell Carlisle and Nessie's scent and looked at them. 

       "Then, it's good thing that I am here. I will take him inside. Edward, will you let him borrow a set of your clothes? Because I don't think he had time to get clothes. I don't want a naked werewolf in my house," Carlisle said. Nessie giggles and she walks up to me. She pets me on the head and she was the only one that I let pet my head. Carlisle take the male on my back. "Of course, he some how doesn't smell as bad as the other werewolves," Edward said. He 'walks' into the house and come just as fast. I walk behind a tree and transform back into my human form. "Thanks, Edward. But you still need to update your clothes, because you look like a person that hasn't decide if he is emo or just moody yet," I said. I put on the clothes. Emment crackles and said "man, that was good one. Sorry Edward, Alice has told this for years now." 

         I suck my tongue out at Edward and I walk inside the house. That's when weird things started to happen inside the house. 

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