iv. T h e 4 h e a v e n l y k i n g s

Start from the beginning

"Her name is also perfect for her, she sounds like Hyan Dan-i. Look at her standing next to Ban Yeoryeong and Lee Joohee, she looks like their maid! It's perfec-" She stopped when she realized that the three girls they're talking to are right in front of them.

Seeing the dark aura Yeoryeong radiates and how Joohee's red eyes glow with anger made Baek Yeomin flinch.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Baek Yeomin added fuel to the fire.

"You-!" Yeoryeong started to confront them when a hand suddenly stop her

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"You-!" Yeoryeong started to confront them when a hand suddenly stop her.

"Stop, Yeoryeong-ah~"Joohee stopped Yeoryeong with a smile on her face but anyone who sees Joohee up close will see how deadly her eyes are.

"Haha. No answer? Does this mean you agree with what I said?" Baek Yeomin still provoking them.

Joohee took a step forward and was ready to give them an earful of profanities when a hand stops her too. Dan-i felt that Joohee will do something she'll regret later, she decided to stop the girl although she really want  Baek Yeomin to give a piece of shit.

"But Dan-i she's an assh-" Joohee was about to say something bad but she was cut off once again.

"I think the things that you said were rude." Kwon Eunhyung, the red-haired guy in 4 heavenly kings, the class president entered the classroom. "Apologize to them, Baek Yeomin" he added.

 "Apologize to them, Baek Yeomin" he added

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"Yeah, he's right. Why are you judging her by appearance?" One of their classmates said.

" Yeoryeong and Dan-i have been friends since they were little and Joohee just lost her memory, she's too clueless." One of them added.

Joohee was trying to calm her nerves when her classmates starts to voice out their thoughts. Do I really look clueless?? She asked herself.

Baek Yeomin saw how Eunhyung looks at her then she apologize to them.

"...Sorry, I said too much."

"Yeah, sure," Dan-i said while saying to herself that you're meant to look at the person you are apologizing for.

Joohee just scoff and went to her seat.

"Why don't we return to our seats too?" Eunhyung encourage everyone to take their seats too after the intense scene that happened in their class.

"Thank you" Dan-i shyly said to Eunhyung.

"You didn't say anything because you didn't want a fight to break out, right?." Eunhyung replied to Dan-i.

Dan-i was startled by Eunhyung's reply. "Huh? No, that's not it... If you were a moment later, the situation would have gotten out of hand." Dan-i said. She looked at Eunhyung and seeing that he has a confused look on his face she continued "I meant Yeoryeong. Especially, Joohee."

Eunhyung saw how Yeoryeong looked Dan-i and how Joohee still radiates bad vibes in her seat. He finally gets it.

"Hahaha... Is that so?" He beams.
Dan-i was taken aback when Eunhyung suddenly flashed a smile on her.

"Dan-i, are you okay? Do you think Joohee will hate me now?" Yeoryeong suddenly asked Dan-i. "Because of me... They said bad things to the both of you.."

"What are you talking about?!  This isn't your fault. Joohee will never hate you for this." Dan-i was panicking seeing how Yeoryeong's face frowned. "Don't worry about it!!"

Dan-i then started her monologue. Ughh.. that's right!
If I stay with these guys, these kinds of situations will happen often! From now on I need to pull myself together.

Joohee's POV

Tsk! That girl really ruined my mood. Hmph. I know that scene was coming but the audacity to tell that in front of my face?!?! How thick-skinned that girl can be.

Ha, my emotions are all over the place. It's been a few weeks yet I grew an attachment to these characters. This is bad. I wanna go home soon.


1.2k words

Yaaaay! Chapter 4 is done! Hope you like the new chapter. Thank you for reading!

See you at the next chapter! <3

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