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Louisa's p.o.v

I sigh saying "I.. don't know, I'm sorry, sensei" he closed his eyes saying "it is okay, I do not expect you to remember everything. As long as you can assure me that she will make it out of this okay" I smile softly and nod once. "Of course" I answer as I say "she has to.. but I'll go into her mind to see if I can get any information-" I groan. Something starts pounding in my head "Louisa... did you once have the crystal on as well?" Master Splinter asks. "For the shortest amount of time.... but it shouldn't have done anything to me" I say and look him in the eye.

He looks at me and nods once "I do not sense anything on you, now let us try to connect to April" Splinter says and closed his eyes. I do the same and just think about April, her being the only thing on my mind as I try to stay calm. Though as I sit here my body tensed from trying to use my powers and I grunt before opening my eyes. Looking around it feels as if I'm inside her mind "L.. Louisa?" April asks, so I turn around. "April! What's going on??" I ask as I run over to her, so she grabs her head saying "I don't know."

"It has something to do with the crystal, please - I let you in, just do the same with me" I say and grab her hands with mine. She looks at me shocked, but then says "it's been giving me a strong amount of power. Kind of like how Powers was doing with you.. but I guess it could be a being itself like how Powers was for you." My eyes widen as I gasp "don't worry, I defeated Powers - you can take this thing on too. I know you can-" "you don't know how powerful it is though, Louisa!" "No, but I can get a pretty good idea."

April tears up saying "I'm not strong enough!.." "April, look at me" she looks at me, so I say "I know you can, you've done so much." Then the appearance around us starts changing- along with her disappearing, so I gasp. "April?! Come back!!" I yell out, but then I see Master Splinter "Yoshi" I say worried, so he looks at me shocked. Then we look around as the scenery kept on changing around us, there was an Aeon, then many in cloaks. After that the scenery changed to the Aeons planet- now it's space as it's as if we're standing on air.

We look up to see an Aeon, it's looking down at us before an even bigger figure chomps down on the Aeon and now it's looking at us. It came at us, so I gasp and open my actual eyes to see Master Splinter in pain while April got scared awake as she gasps. I have a pounding headache, but I ignore the pain as I look at April, she felt for the crystal and noticed it gone instantly. "My.. my crystal, where's my crystal?!" April asks shocked while searching on the floor. I gently grab her hand saying "April, calm down" Master Splinter then says "Donatello is examining it while you rest."

She squeezed my hand hard saying "no! No, it's mine!! I need it" "April" Master Splinter says while staring her down. April looks at Master Splinter shocked, but he continues "you are addicted to that alien stone." "Remember what you told me, that crystal isn't good-" "I never said that!" April defends herself. 'She doesn't know what she told me in her mind-' "you do not need it's power" I say and help her stand up. Master Splinter nods saying "you must break its hold on you, now!" Though her eyes are glowing again.

I gasp as I look at her, but see her hand is up- looking behind me I see Master Splinter in the air, so I grab her shoulders instantly. "April, listen to me!! All you have to do is smash that thing, you're the only one who can." She lifts her other hand and I got thrown into the wall again, she forces me against it hard. Then she used the hand holding Master Splinter to start hurting him- making him look like his bones could be breaking. With the hand holding me she's still forcing me against the wall to the point where it's getting hard to breathe.

"A-... APRIL!!" I yell out in pain, so she groans softly before looking at me "Louisa?.." she asks softly, her powers dropping from me. Then she lost control again before Donnie comes breaking through the wall, the crystal slowly floating towards her. I go to Donnie and help him up and see April holding the crystal with her eyes closed. Donnie then sees April with the crystal "April.." he says so softly before having realization. "What're you doing??" He asks annoyed, so my eyes widen as I stand in front of him.

April lifted up her hand as I felt as if I was being choked, I cough a bit before I can hear Donnie gasping and I'm in someone's arms. "April, you must hear me! This being wants to control you, fight it!!" Master Splinter says out loud. Then I hear April's voice "Master Splinter, I-I can't fight her - she's too strong" now I feel forced down. I'm now on my stomach as someone is on top of me, I could watch as April floats up- her eyes still glowing. "April, stop!" Donnie yells as she's laughing now, so I growl and force myself to stand up.

I glare up at April saying "you have to control it!" She tried to force me down again, but I fight against the power and narrow my eyes at her. "You forgot I'm still strong! I have powers of my own, so come at me" I say and get in a fighting stance. She kept trying to force me to move, but I kept fighting against it before she came flying at me. I dodge, but see she starts to destroy the place before sending Donnie and Master Splinter under the mess. A small gasp leaves me before she floats out of here, so I run over to Master Splinter first.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT The Power Inside Her (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now