Don't Come A-Knockin' On My Door

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Wife BREAKS IT OFF with talk show star Eddie Sharp! 


Tony Award winner Dee Dee Allen DIVORCES husband, claims he "dragged her down"!


MORE THAN COSTARS? Broadway star Dee Dee Allen SLEEPING WITH fellow actor Barry Glickman?!


Desperate diva - Dee Dee Allen is UNHINGED! A look at past appearances on Eddie Sharp and the inevitable DOWNFALL of her career!

Dee Dee lets out a long, low sigh and closes the laptop, letting herself fall back on the mattress she had previously propped herself up on to enjoy her latest doomscroll. She glares at the bumpy apartment ceiling and grimaces. It's dark in the room and the woman can barely make out anything other than the grainy texture she's currently fixating on, clenching and unclenching the sheets around her in her fists, her carefully manicured nails digging into her palms. Her hair is spread out around her head, an ungroomed mane completely different from the stylish bob she had sported a mere 24 hours before as she had walked out of town hall with her now-ex husband, papers in hand. In fact, she still lay there in the same red jumpsuit she had worn to town hall, though it was now wrinkled and covered in dog hair. Besides her sits Eleanor, a disgruntled-looking brown and white bulldog, now asleep and emitting a terrible snoring noise. The cold, hard surface of the laptop presses against Dee Dee's forearm. She unceremoniously knocks it to the floor.

It's not that she still loves Eddie Sharp - no, she had known their marriage was useless for all three long years of it. Hell, she isn't even sure she ever really loved him before they married. Eddie and Dee Dee were never your typical couple - an aging ingenue still desperate for exposure and a sleazy radio host willing to exploit anything and anyone for influence wasn't a great start for a relationship, and the fact that they never discussed anything outside of business pointed directly to why. They were two dying stars who happened to collide and temporarily shine a little bit brighter and that was all.

The problem is not that Dee Dee loves Eddie Sharp, or even if she ever did; It's that the debatable amount of love between them had become a defining feature of hers in the eyes of the public. Dee Dee Allen, Broadway star had turned into Dee Dee Allen, wife of Eddie Sharp (and also Tony Award winner but did we mention she's married to renown talk show host Eddie Sharp?) and she hates that with every single fiber of her being. The only thing she hates more is that Eddie has effectively stolen four of her final few years of sweet, sexy, young relevance all while robbing her of any comeback she could ever possibly make. Nobody, she berates herself, Wants to see an aging diva who's lost all ties to being independent take a nosedive into irrelevance while screaming about the patriarchy. ...And if they do, I'm sure they'd rather just watch whichever forty-something is on as Elphaba right now. Another sigh escapes the woman's mouth, briefly stirring the air around her before it falls back into the same stagnant gloom.

Dee Dee isn't sure what time it is when the doorbell rings, but it's still dark in the room and rain has been tapping away outside her window just long enough for her to finally drown it out. She stays glued to the bed, still staring at the ceiling and now dreading answering whoever has arrived at her apartment so early in the morning (she assumes it's early in the morning, anyway). If the woman's ego has anything to say about the situation, the ringing was caused by an interviewer, or perhaps a disturbed fan who somehow found her address, but likely and more disgustingly an interviewer . So when the doorbell rings a second time, Dee Dee Allen is fully intent on ignoring it and sinking further into her bed; It's only Eleanor awakening and nudging her side that brings Dee Dee to finally stand up out of her bed.

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