Morning sex

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Kells angel .... Angel are you up

Sammy wakes up but dosent answer him

She didn't know he was hard and pushed herself closer to him

Kells fuck baby girl 

Kells moves her hair and attacks her neck

Kells if you wanted sex just say you do angel

Sammy knew she better take the sex right now because he had a show later that night and he usually never wants to have sex after shows  unless it was the day  after  tour or tour just ended or he changed a lyric and got both of them turn on to the max

She grined on him

Kells fuckk

She like where she was and decided to do something that makes kells like  a puddle in bed and palm him threw his sweatpants

So she did

Kells fuck baby girl

Slowly kells Starts to not form words and just whimper and whine for her to go faster

Kells baby yo-ur g-onna make me cum th-erw my p-ants

Sammy you are such a mess kells look at you

She stops wants hes close to Cumming and pulls off his sweatpants and boxers and pumps him

Soon he cums

He lays there in shock that his girl just whimp his ass in bed Usually she's the one whimpering below him

They lay and cuddle

Sammy I love you baby

Kells I love you more

Kells your coming to tonights show right

Sammy of course

A couple hours later he gets ready

Sammy still asleep

Kells crawls above her to wake her up

Kells angel come on were gonna be late

Sammy okay I'm coming

They get there

He dose
I think I'm okay
Bad things
Jaw breaker
Tittle track
Kiss kiss
Floor 13
And ends the show with candy
Sammy was on the side stage but he pulled her out for candy Witch he never dose

He gets half way and changes the lyric

Took adies yeah got Sammy calls  me daddy yeah

Sammy's face turns red

Luckily no one knew

Rook played a loud drum  sound so kells Could talk to Sammy

Kells meet me in my dressing room  and be ready  kitten

Sammy runs off stage to his dressing room

She gets in and takes off her heals and jacket

Kells comes in and locks the door

It's sound proof so

Kells picks Sammy up and puts her on the couch that's in there

Kells this is for this morning

He starts to rail her

Sammy daddy fuck

Kells pulls her up to kiss her and choke her


Kells I'm so lucky this is sound proof

Sammy becomes a whimpering mess below him

Kells cum baby

As if on demand she cums

Kells I knew that lyric change would turn you on

Sammy how many times have we had sex in this dressing roomc

Kells too many and to many more

They cuddle on the couch before getting ready to leave

They go home for a round two

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