🎸 How You Met 🎸

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Austin: At one of his concerts. You had front row seats, and from the moment that Austin came out on stage to the minute he left, his eyes never left you. After the concert, as you were leaving, you were walking in the parking lot, and ran into someone. "Ouch" You stated, rubbing your leg, feeling the impact from your fall. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me help you." The boy apologized, reaching out his hand to pull you up. "Thank you" You replied, once you stood up, you dusted off your dress. "Well, I apologize for bumping in to you Mr... " You trailed off, realizing you had yet to see the boy. "Moon, Austin Moon." The boy quickly replied. Your eyes widened, and your head shot up toward him. He shot you his signature smile. "Oh my God. You're Austin Moon! I can't believe it!" You stated in complete disbelief. "Yeah. But I haven't quite caught your name." He replied sweetly, with a smile. "Oh uh, I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n, I'm a big fan." You answered, mentally facepalming, thinking about how creepy you must've sounded. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Y/n." He kindly replied. "Umm, can I take you out sometime to apologize for tonight?" He questioned, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. You blushed, "Oh My God! Austin Moon just asked me out!!" You mentally squealed. "Yes. Of course. I would love to." You replied, the blush still evident on your cheeks. "OK. Sounds good. How about....... Friday?" He asked kindly. "Yes. Sounds perfect." You responded with a smile. You heard some men yelling nearby. "Well Y/n, I have to go but I'll see you Friday." He stated, as he quickly jotted something down on a piece of paper. He placed the paper in your hand before running off. "Okay. See you soon." You replied quietly, still in disbelief of the events that had just occurred. You un- crumpled the paper in your hand to see Austin's message.

' Meet me Friday @ 12. Mall of Miami.
See you soon, beautiful..

xxx- xxx - xxxx
Call me.   - Austin ♡ '

Dez: It was an average Tuesday morning. You had gone into 'Sonic Boom' to buy either a violin or an electric guitar. I know, I know very different. You were never really the musical type, but your mother had made you sign up for band. So while you were in 'Sonic Boom',  you were looking around for a bit when you heard a girls voice. "Is there anything I can help you find today?" She asked sweetly. You turned to face the girl, she had a kind face, and long dark hair. "Umm, well actually, I'm looking for either a violin or an electric guitar." You replied, continuing to look at the rack of instruments. "Well, those are very different instruments. But I'll see what I can do." She replied, looking at the different racks. "Follow me" she stated, gesturing for you to come. "Here are our violins... " she directed you to the shelf. You looked and a pastel pink violin caught your eye. "This one is very cute. I love this pink." You stated, studying all the colors. The girl sent you a smile. "And over here are our guitars." You followed the girl, as she walked to the register. You saw the red guitar that she was referring to. "Wow. It's beautiful. I'll take it.." You stated, looking at the guitar. "Okay, sounds lovely. Let me get it for you." She replied kindly, grabbing the keys to the case. As she was about to open it, you heard a loud crash. "Dez" the girl muttered, shaking her head. Moments after, a young blonde boy, and a tall ginger boy headed down the tall staircase, and toward the register. As you were paying for the guitar, the blonde boy noticed your new instrument. "Oh, cool guitar!! Do you play??" The boy inthusiastically asked you. "Well, not exactly, but I'm hoping to learn." You blushed, slightly embarrassed. "Well, I can teach you if you'd like. I've been playing for years." He offered. "Umm, sure, that would be great. Thank you." You sweetly thanked him. "I'm Austin." He stated, sticking his hand out for you to shake. "OMG!! You're Austin Moon, its so nice to meet you. I'm Y/n L/n." You cheerfully responded, shaking his hand. "Its nice to meet you too. This is Ally." He stated, gesturing to the girl behind the register. "And this is Dez, my best friend." He finished, hugging the ginger boy from before. "Its nice to meet you guys." You replied with a small smile. "So you're playing guitar, huh?" 'Dez' asked. You blushed looking at him, he was really cute. "Yeah. Austin here is actually going to give me lessons." You said looking over at Austin. "So we're going to be seeing a lot more of you?" He questioned. "Yeah, I'm afraid so." You joked. "I wouldn't mind seeing a pretty girl like you around often." He blushed, looking down. You blushed as well, "Well, you're pretty cute yourself. Dez." You replied fiddling with your fingers.
Austin and Ally couldn't believe it, they had never seen Dez like this. Dez took your hand, "Y/n. I know we just met but I'd really like to take you out sometime." He shyly admitted. "Like a date?" You questioned. He nodded. "Dez. I would love to." You replied with a smile. He looked down at you with a relieved smile. "How about Saturday? Meet me here then we can go out for ice cream or something?" He questioned hopefully. "Thats sounds heavenly. I would love to." You replied blushing. "Great. Friday it is" he stated as if he was trying to convince himself. "Okay, sounds good. See you around, Dez." You replied, placing a sweet kiss to his cheek. "Okay." He replied. Ally handed you your bag and you left to continue your shopping.

A/N: Holy cow 994 words!! This was trash, but I hope you all enjoyed it.

Have a blessed day/night.

I love you, all ❤

- Emma ❤

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