1- partnered project

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 I've been in this class for two days. Two. Days. And I've barely had a chance to speak to him in class. Professor Summerson is currently talking about political discourse, but for some reason my brain won't let me focus on the lecture. Damned auditory processing disorder. Thankfully, the university allows me to record my lectures on account of my severe ADHD. *twitter whistle* 

 "Mx. O'Murphy, Mr. Riviera, please meet me after class." Looking at Alex, he and I both had a look of 'What the fuck?' on our faces. Sighing, I wrap my ugly mob of red hair in a bun. Curls, am I right?

 Picking up my stuff, my thermos of coffee sloshes around from my 'white girl starbucks swirl' tic. (a/n yk what I mean, the pick-me pink drink swirl thing) Waiting to walk down the hall with Alex, people give us room as we walk down the step portions. 

 "You called, Professo- Woah! Professor Summerson?" My thick accent becomes uncomfortably UwU on the tick I picked up from my Twitch chat.

 "Yes, Murphy. I emailed out sign-up sheets for this project, where everyone could ask for a certain partner. I excluded the two of you from the assignment because you are the only ones that the rest of the class seems... distanced from. I thought it would be good for the two of you to have a buddy system in the pre-law classes." This. This is why Summerson has been my favorite professor for the last two years of grueling pre-law courses. Not allowing me to argue, she dismisses us and Alex pulls me- gently- out of the lecture hall.

 "Listen, you don't have to work with me if you don't want to, I completely underst-"

 "I'll work with you." Adjusting my fluffy turtleneck sweater, I suddenly remember why I left my hair down and make quick work undoing my bun and letting my hair fall free. "You seem different from the others. I don't have any more classes today, wou- hola, amigo! *achem* would you like to go to the library? I rented a study table in the best spot of the library, right next to the VR lounge. So much internet!" Ignoring my cutesy tic, I rush off to the library with Alex not too far behind.

-two hours of working on the project later-

 "Okay, but the general layout shou-" Hearing a door slam hard behind me, I flinch and sit down fast, already recognizing the footsteps. I try not to let my body shake too much as Jackson, my- uh- boyfriend stampedes over to my table. Alex looks confused and slightly concerned from my change in attitude but I can't let Jackson get more mad.

 "Why are you alone with another guy, you slut? " Stiffening further, I make myself look submissive and weak to him so he won't hurt Alex.

 "My professor assigned us random partners and won't allow us to switch for the semester. He has a boyfriend, b- babe. I already made sure, I promise I would nev-" Grabbing my hair at the base of my neck, he forces me to put up my laptop and leave without saying anything to Alex. I'll make sure to apologize to him later. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Jac-"

 "Shut up, slut." Leading me out to the parking lot, I can tell that my stream tonight will need plenty of makeup.

-Alex's pov-

 What the hell! Reveny, a gift from God, has that piece of horseshit as a boyfriend? The amount of fear in her eyes and the way she immediately looked weak, there is no WAY she is willingly in that relationship. I want to dm her on discord, but a) I don't have her discord, b) if I gave her my discord I'd have to explain that I'm a famous streamer to the ONE person on campus that doesn't know, c) if they did have my discord, would texting her really help the situation if it's risking that pendejo seeing my name and getting even angrier?

 After a couple hours of worrying, I scroll through Twitch and see a *mostly* faceless streamer on Valorant. Their twitch is 'starry-eyed.ir1sh' and their facecam shows a beautiful head of fiery red hair and a blue sweater. Some spots of their makeup look uneven, but what do I care, I don't judge based on appearance. I watch their stream to the very end, every once in a while hearing faint yelling in the background or small twitches from Starry. 

 Looking at the chat, I realize that this person desperately needs some moderators.

user1: look at this ugly fucking bitch lmao

user02: die piggy bitch

user3: this chat is disgusting, the real fans love you starry! starrysupport❤❤❤

user004: @/user3 why support this pig bro, take the love to the good gamers, like Dream and Quackity.

 Why do the bad people always attack the good people? Starry seemed so sweet and caring in an irish rage kinda way. It'd be fun to be friends with them, I should send them a DM after their stream.

-the next day-

 When Murphy walks into class, I can see the half-hidden signs of abuse. Sitting down, she looks tired and defeated. She doesn't say a word in the entire three hour lecture, even her tics were silent and self-harming, punching xyrself in the chest. The project, an app modeled to support healthy political discourse, isn't due until midterms in three months. Right now, it seems totally forgotten. I give her my snapchat, my personal Quackity-less one, and tell her to message me when it gets bad. To give me evidence so that when we go to the police and a dedicated lawyer, he can't get out of it. 

 "I already have evidence from the night we met. Long story short, I'm in therapy and it's stone-solid." Not wanting to push further, we continue walking to the library. I want to help her, I'll be damned if I don't even try to get her out. I'll make sure she gets safety, even if it means letting her use my guest room.

(a/n: yes, I did crank this out in an hour even though I have an AP test tmr. n e ways, have a good day or night or whatever, drink water, eat something if you havent, do your fucking homework if you have any *passes the time pressure to my adhd non functioning bros* BYEEEEE -ender (he/xyr) 💙💙💙💙💙{have some blue!}

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