Mission Briefing - Chapter 2

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CHAPTER 2: The First Mission

A/N: (Two days after the end of Chap 1) (Any words in bold are Mays thoughts for this chap)

May POV:

Ward, Fitz Simmons and I sit on the chairs in the main lounge on the bus. 'Does anyone know why we are here?' Asked Fitz, innocently. ' Agent Coulson asked us to come here for a mission briefing.' Simmons chided. 'Its our first mission! and on our 3rd day!' She added excitedly. I was looking forward to the first mission. But I didn't consider it much of a mission. More of a welcoming party. Coulson had shown me school photos of the girl before now. She was pretty, around 17. Her name was Skye. I had am feeling her and I were going to get along, even if only for a short time. I-  

I was cut off from my thoughts, as Coulson walked into the room. He sat down next to me on one of the couches, and places the file on the table in front of me. Ward, Fitz and Simmons sit on armchairs. Phil is next to me on the couch. Ward to the left , Simmons to the left and Fitz opposite us. Coulson spreads out the photos and documents in the file on the table. 'This file is Level 4 restricted, so FitzSimmons can it.' Coulson states. 'But there is some information that is Level 7, Which FitzSimmons can't see.' Ward studys the files. 'So, we are her welcoming party. Sir? Ward asks. 'Basically.' Replied Coulson. 'Our job is to pick up Daisy, and take her back to The Triskelion. Daisy Johnson is 17 years old, and her Mother and Father, Jiaying and Calvin, were dedicated S.H.I.E.L.D Agents, but were killed in their latest mission against HYDRA in Bahrain.  One agent escaped, and he is currently writing a report on what happened. That will be sent to me once completed.' This was Phil Coulson for you. He's straight up with everyone about classified information, but if anyone asks questions he wont budge.  'We will be picking up Daisy from her Aunt and Uncles, who are also S.H.I.E.L.D Agents. Daisy is relatively skilled in combat, but our job is to get to to Fury as fast as possible, because he thinks that the people who killed Daisy's parents might be after her.' Finished Coulson.'Questions?' He said. Fitz stuck his hand in the air. Like a child, I thought as I smirked.  Ward answered first. 'But sir, If HYDRA crossed off Daisy's parents because they got in the way, why would they have anything against Daisy? Was it personal or something?' Fitz's eyes widened, and then he smirked, looking pleased. I assumed that he was going to ask the same thing. Coulson spoke. 'Thats classified Level 7 or above information.' Coulson, Ward and I looked at Fitz and Simmons. They were Level 5. Ward and I are Level 7, and Coulson Level 8. Fitz and Simmons made eye-contact, and stood up and left the room in unison, in the direction of their lab. 

 'Phil?' I asked. I was the only one that called him Phil, because I am the only one that personally knows him, or even knew him before this team was formed. Phil cleared his throat, and spoke quietly to Ward and I. 'When Daisy was a few months old, her parents found out that Daisy is an 0-8-4. They called it Inhuman. I have no idea what it means. Somehow, Daisy's 0-8-4 status was leaked to HYDRA, and they attempted to kidnap her. Coulson sounded annoyed about that. 5 HYDRA Agents entered the Johnson household. Calvin was awake, and crossed off 3 of them with his gun. The gunfire woke up Jiaying, and she stood outside Daisy's room, protecting her. Calvin was shot in the shoulder, and called S.H.I.E.L.D immediately. Jiaying had killed both of the remaining Agents. Her and Daisy were fine, But Calvin had taken one in the shoulder. He was taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D hospital, and eventually recovered. But after that day HYDRA had it in for them. So yes, Agent Ward, It was personal. And now HYDRA have killed the Johnsons, they have been more frequently paying Daisy's Aunt and Uncle some-.' Coulson pursed his lips. 'visits.' By the time of the second break in, which the agents fought off as well, they called S.H.I.E.L.D, and requested transportation for Daisy. So Fury sent us in to get her. She has been briefed as well, so she knows as much as you two, probably more.' Coulson stopped talking, indicating that he was done. Ward and I soaked this in. 'Wow' I murmured.  The poor girl has been through so much, and shes only 17, I thought. 'Our job is to pose as friendly figures to Daisy.' Coulson said. Ward and I nodded. I already felt so many emotions toward, and for this girl.

End of Chapter 2!


A/N: I figured I might as well write another chapter today since I have nothing to do. Can you guess who Daisy's Aunt and Uncle are? Here's a clue: They are characters towards the end of Season Two and most of 3... Comment on Chapter Ideas!

Melinda May - Before BahrainWhere stories live. Discover now