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February 1, 2015

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February 1, 2015

The two boys were spending their weekend together, relaxing on Minghao's room. Junhui had been reading a webcomic on his phone, while the younger had been studying for the upcoming spelling bee.

Junhui put his phone down and let out a sigh. "Haohao~"


"I'm bored." Junhui said, getting off of Minghao's bed and walking towards him on the desk.

Minghao looked up, thinking for a second. "Then, do you wanna watch a movie?" He closed the dictionary he was reading.

"Oh?" The elder smiled. "That's rare."

"What is?"

"You're the one suggesting first."

"Actually, Sir Park gave us a homework to do during the weekends." Minghao turned to Junhui. "We've been studying Western plays, novels, and films these days. So, he told us to watch any English movie and write a reaction paper on it."

Junhui frowned. "So, you're doing this for your grades again and not because of me." He sighed.

"Do you not want to?"

"I want to! I want to!" Junhui crossed his arms. "Sheesh! I never said that I didn't."

Minghao chuckled, getting up from the chair, stretching his arms and back.

"You're too young to be getting arthritis, Hao." Junhui chuckled. "Anyways, what movie do you wanna watch? A romance movie? We could watch something a bit racy if you want." He winked.

"Oh, god. No thanks." Minghao opened the drawer beside the desk he was working on. There was a bunch of DVDs of English, Chinese, and Korean films.

"Do you have some new ones?" Junhui asked.

"Actually, I've been thinking about this one." Minghao pulled a DVD amongst the other ones.

"Ma... le... fi... cent?" Junhui read the title in English. "Maleficent?"

Minghao cleared his throat. "Yeah, it came out in the cinemas last year, but we couldn't get to watch it."

"Oh, right. I remember." Junhui nodded. "It's the Cinderella story, right?"

"Um... it's Sleeping Beauty."

"What's the difference?"

"Cinderella slips. Aurora sleeps."

"Dang, what an explanation."

"You're welcome."

"So, we're gonna watch it?" Junhui asked.

"We can pick something else if you don't like it." Minghao said. "Let me find something else..."

"No, it's okay. If it's what you want, then, it'll probably be nice. I trust you." Junhui smiled. "Should I bring some snacks? How about drinks?"

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