"you're going to make me cry, mum."

"i hope you know that you belong together."

"tell that to him because i'm still waiting for a date." april laughed, a part of her being serious but the jokey tone of her voice drowning it out; however, that didn't stop her mum from giving her a sympathetic smile.

the time was now approaching eleven thirty and by now, everybody was absolutely shattered, it got to the point where april was even falling asleep on lando's shoulder, both of her arms wrapped around one of his with lando's hand holding her knees so that they wouldn't fall as she had her feet tucked under his thigh.

"are you alright with waking her up, love? we're going to bed now." sarah asked lando as she stood in front of them, a smile gracing her face as she saw how comfortable they were around one another.

"that's alright, i'll be fine." lando nodded with a small smile, the arm that rested around april waist now numb due to how long it had been in that position.

"before i forget, what're your favourite things for breakfast?"

"i'm not fussed, mrs summers, i'll eat anything apart from fish."

"lando, how many times have i told you to call me sarah?" sarah joked with him, quiet laughs escaping their mouths to not disturb april. "goodnight, darling, i'll see you both in the morning."

"april? it's time for bed, love." lando scratched aprils scalp as a way to gently wake her up, feeling her head move.

"is it morning already?" april rubbed her eyes as she let out a yawn, lando feeling nothing but love as he watched her react to being woken up.

"no it's not, love, it's nearly midnight." he looked up at the clock, seeing how close the hands were ticking to twelve. "everybody else has gone to bed."

"are you going to carry me or do i have to walk?" april looked up at him, doing her best puppy dog eyes so that he would cave in and give her a piggyback ride.

"would you like me to carry you?"

"yes please."

"come on then." april stood on the couch before hopping onto his back, her arms resting on his shoulders as her face was smudged into his neck, softly kissing it a few times; lando's hands placed under her thighs to keep her up.

carrying her up the stairs on his back, he let her get down outside of the bathroom so she could wash her face and brush her teeth whilst he got changed. "lando, close your eyes." april told him, grabbing her pyjamas out of the open suitcase that they had brought upstairs during the evening.

"you're acting as if i haven't seen your boobs before."

"that's because it was an accident, i didn't know you would be in the bathroom whilst i was showering."

"i was desperate for the toilet, i couldn't hold it in any longer." lando told her the truth, him wanting "and i know that you secretly wanted me to see them."

"don't flatter yourself, norris. if you want to see my boobs so badly, take me on a date first and i'll think about it."

"you're gonna kill me, april, then what would you do?"

"probably rejoice." the young woman joked, earning an eye roll off of the driver in her bed.

"i'm going to act like i never heard that." april giggled. "are you going to get into bed with me, or what?"

"bet that's not the first time you've wanted to ask me that." a smirk appeared on her face, her footsteps soft and quiet so that the floor didn't creak and potentially wake her sisters or parents up as she walked over to the bed where lando lay with his hands behind his head.

"i hope you know that i hate you." lando playfully shook his head, watching her as she got comfortable in her bed.

"i hate you more." april smiled at him, patting his cheek making them both chuckle.

now not feeling as tired as when they were downstairs, the two 'lovers' continued to talk for about fifteen minutes. anything that popped into their heads they talked about, from their hopes in the future to their last meal if they had to choose, until they started to get tired again. "i just want you to know that you make me happy, like really happy."

"you make me really happy too. it's like i'm at my happiest when i'm with you." lando told her.

"you're cute, lando, thank you for coming with me." aprils voice was sluggish and tired as she fought to keep her eyes open, the events of the day tiring her out massively.

"anything for you." he whispered as he secretly hoped and prayed that she hadn't heard what he said whilst she rubbed her eyes.

"what did you say?"

"nothing, don't worry about it, love."

"i hate to ruin the moment but you look really comfortable so can i-" april smiled at him softly, placing her hand onto his chest as he lowly chuckled at her before interrupting her sentence before she was able to finish it.

"come here." lando whispered to april, pulling her body closer to his so she'd be able to get more comfortable; his natural scent of strawberries that radiated off of his body almost making her intoxicated.

"night lando." april murmured, snuggling her head further into him, instantly feeling her eyes begin to shut at the warmth of his body against hers.

"night, my love." lando murmured back to her before kissing the crown of her head, leaving his lips to linger there for a few seconds. resting his cheek on the top of her head once he pulled away, his arm gently running along her arm.

august - lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now