Chapter 2: promise

Start from the beginning

It is true that Takemichi just wears some sweats and a printed t-shirt but he's fine with it since he does buy it at a very low price since it was on sale at the mall. As the members of Bonten and the florist were talking and having a laugh until the bell rang meaning someone opened the door.

A tall lanky man that had black hair with blond streaks and a long earring on his left ear entered the shop. Before the Bonten members could even say anything the man in the door already cut them off.

"Takemitchy, i'm surprised you're still open" he uttered, having a grin on his face as the florist immediately engulfed him in a hug as the taller man reciprocated.

"Hanma-kun!" the shorter male muttered in excitement "Where have you been?! I was worried, you know!?" Takemichi pouted as Hanma pinch his cheeks before answering "Being a fugitive is boring" he simply said.

Someone cleared their throat and Hanma finally looked at the members of Bonten, they were clearly glaring daggers at him as Takemichi was standing in front of him, his back facing them. Hanma raises a brow before glancing at Takemichi to them.

"Oh, who do we have here~" he said with a hint of mischievousness in his voice as he stared at the table full of angry dogs "Oh! Let me introduce you to them" as Hanma just shook his head "Nah don't worry we know each other" he muttered.

Takemichi being oblivious to the tension that was rising in the air said to wait for him as he's gonna get a drink for him. Also being completely oblivious to  the fact that the Bonten members were gripping their gun under the table, and was about to have a shooting inside this little shop.

But of course that wouldn't happen, they wouldn't want their sunshine florist to be sad. So they put their guns in their pockets before Hanma spoke "Isn't it lovely to meet you again, Mikey~" he uttered with the shit-eating grin that Mikey just want to kick the fuck out of his face.

"What are you doing here?" the white-haired male spoke keeping his emotionless eyes at him "I could ask you the same thing" Hanma responded back. "What are you doing here at the small innocent flower shop, hmm?" he added.

The tension was now unbearable and Sanzu almost pulled out his gun but was interrupted by Takemichi who was holding a drink before giving it to Hanma as they sat down, Takemichi was in between Hanma and Mikey.

"So Hanma- kun , what brings you here?" the florist asked while his fingers were findling around his own glass cup. "I saw that the light in your shop was still open so i figured you'd still be here" he muttered while he glanced behind Takemichi.

He saw how not friendly their facial expressions were to him, Hanma looks amused by this and wants to test the waters so he suddenly cups Takemichi's face close to his face.

"Mitchy, you need to rest it's late" the taller male cooed as the florist whined "Stop treating me like a kid, Hanma- kun" he muttered while holding the taller males hands that were on his face.

Hanma glanced at the back. Oh they were not pleased by this sudden action whatsoever. As the taller male's lip curves into a smirk. Mikey had enough of this so he suddenly dropped his head on the florist's lap.

Instinctively Takemichi let go of Hanma's hand and looked at Mikey while holding the white-haired males head, "Be careful Mikey- kun . What if I suddenly move, your head could've gotten hurt" Takemichi said with a concerned tone in his voice.

The leader of Bonten just sheepishly laughed, as the other Bonten members were talking to the florist trying to completely ignore Hanma who just looked at them in amusement and a glint in his eyes that he's going to enjoy this.

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