''Some people are good but some are not. Specially those two girls in washroom talking dirty about you. They are talking like you are a meal hmm! Even after knowing that you are married. And that short skirt girl she is just barking orders from the moment I met her. Do this do that. I didn't mid working but she should know that today is the first day and we are new. And that coffee place , people there just talk only about you. I mean they can talk about you why not? but they can not talk about you like that. The way they talk is inappropriate but still they talk. My problem is not why they talk my problem is what they talk. And you also why you have to be like a model. Everybody just talk about you again my problem-'' 

''You are cute'' I chuckled told you , she talks a lot specially when she is annoyed and nervous and right now she is annoyed with my female workers. ''What I am telling about the talk of the people and you are not listening.'' ''Sorry I am listening to you sweetheart'' I said and kissed her cheeks. ''Were you jealous?'' I asked her and she instantly said ''no'' Lier I know she is jealous. ''Then Why does it bother you? Let them talk whatever they want '' I leaned towards her ''What a-are y-you doing'' Her voice came out as a shaky whisper , making me smirk.

''I actually find it very sexy'' I whispered back as I leaned closer and put my weight on my lower arm next to her head. My face was inch away from her and her smell filled my lungs. Her breath hitched and her eyes widened.

''Abhimanyu'' she breathed out in a soft whimper that almost had me loosing control. 

''It turns me on to see you this cutely annoyed and jealous , you know?'' She gulped and shut her eyes when I gave her a sloe kiss on her left cheek. I dragged my free hand a little above her knee and slowly very slowly started moving it up.

''I love when you blabber'' I moved my head and kissed her other cheek as my hand kept sliding up her bare thigh till it reaches to the underline of her butt cheek. I slided my one finger a little above and rested it at her hip bone. Her breath hitched in her throat and her eyes remained shut. ''You will kill me one day if you continue to be damn sexy and cute at same time.''

I can see her face full of anticipation but instead of kissing her lips I blew air in her ear. I smirked and pulled myself up , got my hands off her and went out without a single word. 

After That she gave me a small silent treatment but it cut down as I kissed her. We went home and she forced me to keep it secret in office. I argued but no madam have her own philosophy. 

We entered in home and saw chachi ji sitting as she saw us she came to us and told us to fresh-an-up and come down to eat. After changing in comfortable clothes and as a schedule me teasing Mannat and her blabbering about how unfair is that and I should stop bla bla and bla , I just teasing her. We came down settled on our respective seats. I made Mannat eat the first morsel. We were eating peacefully when Our princess Riya decided to ruin it as usual ''Mannat I think you should maintain a respectful distance between you and Ansh. Also you should be a little less frank with your brother-in-laws you know. I don't find it appropriate when you very frankly talk with Ansh and Ankit. We all feel a little uncomfortable.'' She in accusing tone I was about to put her on line when Ansh said with smile'' Bhabhi , Mannat Bhabhi is my elder sister and a friend. I don't feel any type of discomfort but when you always put fault in everything. I feel a little uncomfortable.'' 

I can see Ankit controlling himself from saying anything to Riya. He is totally fed up with her antics. ''I am done mom'' Ankit said and left for his room. Everybody left to their respective rooms.


''What was that Riya?'' Ankit asked her through greeted teeth to which Riya said ''What was what?''  ''Why you talked like that with Mannat bhabhi?''  ''Oh! That , What said was true she is like that can't you see how she behaves with Ansh and you. Don't she have a husband no matter when you see her either she will be with Ansh or you. Don't get me wrong but she is that kind of girl. Always clinging to people for their attention.'' Ankit sighed knowing nothing will work in front of Riya in past week he came to know that Ansh and Ankit are just like brothers to her and whatever she do was only because she likes to take care of them. Neither he or nor Ansh ever felt uncomfortable or get any other feeling being around her. Ankit knows how Mannat help Ansh with his projects and studies, How she always send food for him in office , how she always massage Ankit's mother's legs with oil , How she always talk with dad about cricket and politics and most importantly How she made his big brother happy. ''She is not like that Riya and never talk like that again. From past few days you are always talking shit in front of every body. Stop this in time otherwise you will regret it.'' Ankit said removing his shirt. ''Oh! why are you so concerned about her huh? Oh! wait do you like her being with you or you now have interest in her. You always fight with me is it because she fed you about me. You stopped doing things for me and stopped giving me gifts. lo-'' 

''What did you just said Riya seriously you are doubting me , you are pointing your finger on my character? And most importantly we doesn't fight because of anybody else, The soul reason of our fights are you and your stupid logics. And I stopped doing things, oh! come on you stopped noticing. Well you will notice me if you get free from bitching about Mannat bhabhi or comparing with others. I stopped buying gifts for you really? yesterday I bought a L.V bag for you that you are showing whole house in the morning forgot. Can't I have one peaceful night Riya just one. Forget about it I am sleeping in balcony sleep on your favourite bed.'' Ankit said ''You you how can speak to me like that go and sleep in hell I don't care'' He heard Riya from backside and took a thick blanket and went to balcony and locked it from outside and sighed his head is hurting from lunch time but his wife doesn't care as she says as always but still he is trying can't she see it and now she also started character shaming him. He is very very much emotionaly hurt now he realise that her mother and Abhimanyu use to say right he take decisions in impulse and then regret. 

On the other side Riya burned in anger how dare he talk to her like that. Wait some days then we will see what you all will think of Mannat. She cursed Mannat a lot of times and drifted to sleep without even glancing at Ankit.  


''Its ok sweetheart I know that all what she said was lie in fact everybody knows. Wait till morning I will make her regret her words. Stop crying meri jaan [my life] how come so small body can shed this much tears.'' Mannat slightly hit his shoulder when he call her small ''Now come on be a good girl and drink the milk. Stop thinking about her words no body believe her'' Abhimanyu rocked Mannat's body like a baby in his arms and said sweet notings to her and made her drink milk. ''If you will stop crying I have a surprise for you.'' Mannat's face light up hearing surprise like a child  ''What is it?'' ''Sweetheart I told you na it is surprise. Tomorrow you will know about it.'' To which Mannat pouted and said '' Then why you told me now?'' Abhimanyu kissed her pout and said ''Because I can't hold it . Noe sleep otherwise I will cancel it.'' And they slept in each others arms peacefully. Unaware of upcoming storm.


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