Chapter 22: The Lone Islands

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"Well. Before I took back the throne from my uncle he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters. The seven Lords of Telmar," he turned and showed them the portraits that Chloe drew when Caspian described them.

Edmund and Lucy approached, studying the images, "Nice huh?" Chloe joked, "Took a little while, but that's not the point. They fled to the Lone Islands," She pointed to the small cluster of islands on the map, "And they were never heard from since then."

"So you think something has happened to them?" Edmund asked.

"Considering it's been's likely," Chloe reminded him.

Caspian agreed, "If something has happened to them, it's my duty to find out."

Lucy looked to the map curiously, "What's east of the Lone Islands?"

The Captain walked in and answered for them, "Uncharted waters. Things you can barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents and worse."

Edmund found the claim amusing, beaming to Chloe before looking back to Drinian, "Sea serpents?"

"All right Captain, that's enough of your tall tales," Caspian teased biting into an apple.

Chloe nodded, lightly taking Edmund's hand in hers, "I swear that man always has some outrageous story," she chuckled leading them back out to the deck.


And so the Dawn Treader sailed on. Chloe and Edmund spent some time getting reacquainted after being separated for so long;

"How is everything? How are Peter and Susan?" She asked sitting comfortably on his lap.

Edmund told them about how Susan went to America with his parents and Peter was off studying with her grandfather, who was also doing well and missed her greatly, "Susan had written to us from America, she hoped you were well."

Chloe smiled running her thumb along the back of his hand, "Well I'm doing a lot better now. Yes Reep, what is it?" She asked not even looking away from Edmund.

"His Majesty is looking to redeem himself from your previous sparring match."

The girl rolled her eyes amused, "Well if Caspian couldn't beat me the last three times we sparred, I doubt a fourth time will make much a difference!" She called knowing the man would be able to hear her. She smiled at Edmund beside her, "What about you? It would be amusing to see another person get the upper hand on Caspian for once."

Edmund laughed, Caspian peeked his head out of the study, "Only if I get to spar with you next?"

"You're on."

And so began the friendly sparring match. Some of the crew had even stopped to watch, cheering on who they thought was going to win. Edmund and Caspian twirled and swiped their swords playfully, smiles on both of their faces when they both ended with their swords at each others throats, ending the match in a tie.

"You've grown stronger, my friend," Caspian praised.

Edmund beamed, "It seems I have."

Chloe walked over with her staff held defensively, "How much stronger, is the question," she teased.

"No cheating this time Chlo!" Caspian called as he sat himself down.

The pair slowly circled each other, "I haven't used my abilities any of the times we sparred. Don't be a sore loser," she reminded him as Edmund made the first move, lunging for her side, as he knew that was her weak spot. But Chloe was smart and smacked his sword away, taking the opportunity to swipe at his feet. Edmund jumped out of the way and tried to bring his sword down onto her shoulder but Chloe held up her staff their weapons making an X as they laughed trying to see who could push the other away, "You're so cute when you're trying to beat me," she smirked.

The Queen's TalesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora