Chapter 3: Told You So

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That very night Lucy found herself going back into the wardrobe and into Narnia. Unbeknownst to her, Edmund had been leaving the bathroom and saw her enter the spare room. He followed her, thinking it would be amusing to frighten her in the dead of night. But he was sadly mistaken when he too, found himself in the wintery wood. He couldn't find Lucy, instead, he came face to face with the White Witch herself.

Edmund allowed himself to be charmed by her, and her power. Drinking hot coca and eating Turkish delight that made him susceptible to telling the witch all about his siblings.

"So there are only four of you?" The witch asked, slightly relieved.

"Well yes, technically," he answered stuffing another bit of Turkish delight into his mouth.

The queen narrowed her eyes, "There is a fifth one?" She confirmed.

"Well there's Chloe, but she's not my sister," he clarified, "She just lives in the home we're staying at. She's actually pretty nice," he shrugged.

That was not what the witch wanted to hear, but she was cunning, and she had to say whatever she could to get the rest of them to her, "You know, Edmund. I have no kids of my own, and you are exactly the type of boy I could see becoming a Prince of Narnia. Maybe even King," the boy's eyes widened, "Of course, you'd have to bring your family...and Chloe as well," she added.

"Why?" He asked confused, why would they have to come if he was to be King?

"Well, a king needs servants," she reminded him.

The thought of Peter being his servant made Edmund smile, "I guess I could bring 'em," he nodded, finishing the piece he had in his hand as the Witch passed the dish to her dwarf.

She motioned out toward the mountains, "Beyond these woods, you see those two hills?" She pointed, "My house is right between them. You'd love it there Edmund," she smiled as she lightly brushed him out of her sledge, "It has whole rooms simply stuffed with Turkish delight," Edmund tried to ask for some more right then but she snapped at him. Seeing the fear in his eye, the Witch quickly softened her tone, "Don't want to ruin your appetite. Besides, you and I are going to be seeing each other again very soon. Mmmmm...." She eyed him almost hungrily, "I'm gonna miss you."

Once he was off, the dwarf snapped his whip at the reindeer and off they sped. Edmund watched her leave just as Lucy appeared.

"Edmund! You got in too!" She hugged him excited, "Isn't it wonderful? Chloe said this place was special! I simply have to bring her-!"

Edmund got out of the hug, "Where have you been?" He questioned.

"With Mr. Tumnus! He's fine! The White Witch hasn't found out anything about him meeting me!"

Edmund paled, "The White Witch?"

"She calls herself the Queen of Narnia. But she really isn't. Are you alright? You look awful," she noticed.

He deflected, "Well what do you expect? It's freezing! How do we get back?" Lucy laughed as she took her brother's hand and led him back through the wardrobe into the spare room.

The moment they were back Lucy ran first to Chloe's room, "Chloe! Wake up! You were right! I went back! Come on!" The poor girl was half asleep as she was dragged out of bed into Peter and Edmund's room. Lucy proceeded to wake Peter and Susan with her yelling, "It's there! It's really there!"

"Lucy what are you talking about?" Peter mumbled as he woke up.

"Narnia!" Chloe became much more alert at the mention of the land she'd heard so much about, "It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!" Susan groggily walked in, having heard the commotion from her room.

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