Chapter 18: The Challenge

Start from the beginning

Peter gasped, "Five minutes?" He offered, knowing it would benefit the both of them.

"Three!" Miraz rebutted before limping over to his men so they could tend to his wounds.

Chloe and Edmund rushed to help Peter into a chair as Caspian and Susan joined worried, "Lucy?" He gasped when he got closer to his sister.

"She got through...with a little help," she motioned to Caspian.

Peter nodded, "Thanks," he breathed sincerely.

"Well, you were busy," he shrugged.

Chloe helped him down slowly, "Drink something," she ordered conjuring some water into a goblet for him before looking to Susan, "You should get on some elevation," she glanced back to Miraz who was speaking incoherently to his General, "Something tells me they won't give up so easily."

She nodded before going to Peter and bringing him in for a one-armed hug. He hissed in pain and she quickly released him apologizing, "Be careful," she cautioned.

"I will."

Edmund looked behind them at all the Narnians watching nervously, "Keep smiling," he cautioned wanting to keep their spirits up.

As Susan ran back to the How, Peter forced a smile and lifted his sword. The Narnians cheered for their King. Caspian helped him off with his shield, Peter was in a lot of pain, "Edmund, pop it back in place," she asked him silently kicking herself for not asking Lucy for her healing cordial before she left.

As Edmund examined his arm, Peter looked out at the battlefield numbly, "What do you think happens back home if you die here?" He asked the both of them. Edmund and Chloe looked at each other, the only time they'd asked themselves that question was back when the White Witch had almost killed him. Peter looked to his brother and his friend, "You've always been there, and I never really- OW!" He hissed as Edmund forced his shoulder back to its proper place.

"Save it for later," he huffed before giving him back his sword.

Chloe offered him his helmet but Peter kindly refused. Upon seeing his opponent return to the arena without a helmet, Miraz roughly shoved his away when it was offered to him. The battle resumed in full force. This would be the end, no more breaks, no more stops.

Miraz was striking with force, using his size to his advantage. He'd slammed Peter against the floor again but this time Peter weaved his legs around Miraz and tripped him on his back. When the both of them got to their feet, Peter had discarded his shield, swiping his sword at Miraz's weak points, before wrenching his sword from him. With two swords, Peter slashed them at Miraz, only to be blocked by his shield.

Seeing an opening, Peter tried to stab him in the side, but Miraz blocked, and punched Peter, causing him to lose his only weapons. It appeared then that Miraz had the advantage, using the shield to attack. However, Peter grabbed it, and with it still looped on Miraz's arm, Peter twisted it behind his back. Screams came from both men, but before Peter could proceed, Miraz elbowed him in the face, forcing him to let go.

With Peter momentarily stunned, Miraz grabbed a sword, poised to attack. But by then Peter's vision had cleared up and used his armour to deflect the attacks, instead, punching Miraz's injured leg. The old man let out a painful yell, backing away.

"Respite! Respite!" He gasped, on his knees and his hand up to Peter.

Peter, being the gentleman he was, hesitated, "Now's not the time for chivalry Peter!" Edmund yelled to his brother, but Chloe grabbed his arm softly, silencing him.

Peter wasn't the person who would attack an unarmed man, nor one who was clearly defeated. He felt there was no more need to attack, and began to walk back to his side. Miraz took the opportunity, with Peter's back to him, to grab a sword and lunge. A coward's move.

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