Chapter 12 - USJ Ongoing Colflict

Start from the beginning

I knew I had to act but that may alert everyone to our position putting us in a bad situation, there just wasn't a good least until the gates to the USJ burst open with a very familiar figure emerging from them, it was him, All-Might, however he wasn't accompanied by his signature smile, no, even from where we were I can feel the sheer intensity of the glare he bore towards the villains, they're definitely in for what's coming to them.

In an instant All-Might vanished and a blur rushed through the group of lesser villains incapacitating each of them with ease.

Sighing in relief, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, and it seems Mina was doing the same as I also here her exhale beside me. All I can feel is further relief seeing our homeroom teacher along with 3 other classmates being rescued.

Finally! things can only go uphill from here, now that the #1 hero has arrived....nah, it's never that simple.

As the fight between All-Might and that...thing began it was shocking to see that they actually seemed to be evenly matched. It's hard to imagine a strength quirk on par with All-Might himself but then again whatever this thing was, it wasn't anything normal.

The further the fight progressed the more I started to notice something, All-Might seemed ever so slightly fatigued, but no that can't be the fight hadn't been going on for too long and it's the #1 we're talking bout, it's probably nothing.

Mina's gasp cut my thoughts short as I refocused on the fight and saw the situation All-Might found himself in, body half-way through a portal and claws digging into his abdomen.

All right, now something needed to be done, sitting here and spectating was not going to help anyone, but would could I do exactly? One wrong move could just make everything worse.

Analyzing the situation I can see everything seemed to be at a stand-still, the main problem was that portal villain but I simply didn't have a way of dealing with an opponent made completely of mist...or was he? There seemed to be a larger concentration of mist just under his 'head', what if it was to protect something, his solid body, a weak point.

But of course I wasn't too sure about it, so acting on that theory now be the best idea, perhaps there was something else he can do, a distraction? No maybe something more-

At that moment it seems my decision was made for me as I see Deku running into the fight, only for the portal villain to swiftly put himself between the green haired kid and All-Might, but in that moment I saw a glimpse of what was underneath the mist, metal plated armor verifying my assumption and that's all the confirmation I needed as with a simple flick of my hand I sent my chastifol sailing to my target.

Of course, I wasn't aiming to fatally wound the villain, the only reason I felt comfortable attacking head-on with my weapon was because he was wearing a sort of armor.

The *clang* of metal on metal indicated that I hit my target as I saw the main body of the villain get knocked to the side, allowing Deku to pass.

That was when a portion of the ground around the fight began to freeze over and encase thing with the exposed brain. Luckily it seems others had similar ideas of helping out as they were soon joined by Bakugou and Kirishima, the ladder of which engaged the hand villain.

Referring to them as -blank- villain is starting to get tedious, note to self; find better names to call them.

"Wait here and keep an eye out behind us, I need a better view" I say turning to Mina.

"A-Alright" she replied, and with that I jumped out from behind the building debris thus exposing myself to the others and the villains but also gaining a better vantage point. It may not have been the best move but considering the distance between me and them I was confident I could safely provide support as the others engaged.

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