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   A man who adorns a samurai styled outfit with a fox max tied to conceal his features steps onto land once more, handling the currency to a mortal human who goes by the name of Beidou. He is quite aware of the brunette's suspicions of him, having himself introduced as a traveler who had traveled long and wide for a person he had hold dear. There was something about the stranger that unsettled the captain, though, business was business. There was no time nor need to meddle with another person's life.

As the man graciously placed the designated amount of Mora inside a wool wrap tied with a knot, Beidou watched as he disappeared into the Harbour of Liyue, the mass of civilians and traders alike crowding over one another as he was then swallowed by the bustling streets on the nation. She couldn't help it though, no matter how hard the brunette tried to ignore it.

When she had approached the traveler, he had told her that he was looking for a rather normal heighted woman who adorns gentle [eye color] hues and [hair color] hair. He had also mentioned that he was to set sail for Liyue to visit an old friend of his who decided to settle in Liyue.

With her own feet moving against her will, Beidou found herself peeking around the corner as she spotted the traveler, speaking to one of the vendors that sold different brands of tea that was imported from all of over Teyvat. With the slight tilt of the traveler's head, the kitsune mask's blaring red eyes glanced around before he returned his attention to the vendor. Beidou froze. Just what in Celestia's name was she doing? Following around a man she doesn't even bother to know?

Amber lets out a sigh, placing her hands on her hips after she wipes the sweat off her temple. "Whew, I'm tired." she announced to no one in particular. You give her a look, before returning your attention to the glowing crystal tear like orb. "What exactly is that..?" you questioned curiously, stepping forward towards it. The dull ache in your head grows stronger, and you feel yourself step back to clutch your head.

It's pulsing. You groan a little at the feeling, trying to cease the pain by massaging your skin gently. It doesn't work, but it doesn't hurt to try. You wish you didn't have any effects such as these.

"[NAME]...?" Paimon tilts her head in your direction with a hint of worry in her voice, craning her head to glower at the crystal. "That must be what's causing all the trouble! Paimon thinks we should destroy it!"

Aether summons his sword, grasping the handle with two clenched hands. The base of the sword feels light against his shoulder. "I'll do it," he says, rushing forward with a burst of speed before slashing the crystal with multiple strikes. It cracks under each hit from the blade, before shattering into little fragments. It disappears into nothing after.

The Outlander stares at the remnants of the non-existent crystal, his eyes furrowing. The temple.. the crystal.. it all affected you in a way. His chest burns, and feels the theories forming in his head once more. Amber notices his growing hostility, placing a hand on the blonde male's shoulder.

"But at least this way, we've helped Jean out." she utters, nodding at you.

You had long since faltered, the pulsing in your head disappears the moment Aether had broken the orb. It was beginning to bother you in a way; your lips contort into a frown. You watch as the brunette lets go of the Outlander, moving forward as she paced anxiously, placing her hand on her chin. She turns to you travelers, "In the past, we were at least able to defend the city and keep it safe," she explained. "This, of course, is mostly thanks to Jean."

You see how fond she is of the woman, and you couldn't agree any less. Jean was a great person, even if you'd only met her once in a short period of time. You could tell how much she adored the citizens of Mondstadt, and how she cared for them with every fiber of her being. As expected for someone with a high position, you think with a small smile. You wonder how Jean could handle all the stress of Stormterror's attacks, and the fact that's everyone's on edge with what happened so recently..

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