Ep 1 pt 1

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Pyro lights up the stadium as the camera pans over the thousands of fans in attendance. The cheering is deafening, the crowd on their feet for the very first episode of Ascension League Wrestling. The camera cuts to the commentary table, where Austin Burke, Ri Yong-Min, and of course, JAY, are seated.

JAY: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first ever episode of AWL! We thank everyone here tonight for coming out tonight for our inaugural event!"

Ri Yong-Min: "That's right JAY, and another thank you to everyone watching at home. We have an action packed card ready for tonight-"

Austin cuts off Ri, much to her displeasure.

Austin Burke: "But first, our very own GM Mazikeen has an announcement for everybody, including the AWL roster!"

Oscar Rose: "Introducing at this time, the GM of AWL, Mazikeen!"

The woman herself struts out onto the entrance ramp, recieving a mixed reaction crowd. Nonetheless, the reception was loud if anything. Unending confidence oozes off of her as she circles the ring, snatching a mic from the time keeper and climbing on to the apron. She waited expectantly on the apron until Oscar held the ropes open for her. She flashed a wink at the young announcer as she entered the ring, walking to the center and tapping the mic with her finger until the crowd quieted down. Finally, she raised the mic to her lips and spoke.

Mazikeen: "I've been informed by my "suits", AKA my fellow corporate powers, AKA my underlings, whatever the hell you want to call them, that I'm obligated to come out here and give you peasants a run down of what exactly will take place over the weeks to come... buuut I'm not going to do that~"

The GM laughed maniacally as the audience rained down boos on her.

Mazikeen: "What? You really thought I was going to just tell you everything that's going to happen? Frankly I'm not surprised you ingrates would be so delusional. Come on, what kind of GM would I be if I didn't keep you on your toes? But, in the spirit of fairness, I'll give you this."

She points up at the titantron as a tournament bracket appears on the giant screen.

She points up at the titantron as a tournament bracket appears on the giant screen

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Mazikeen: "Just in case you couldn't figure it out, that is a tournament bracket. Not just any tournament bracket though, the AWL World Championship Tournament bracket. I've hand picked these eight competitors to battle it out over the coming weeks until the tournament reaches its climax: A match at our first PPV Sacred Battlegrounds... For the AWL World Championship!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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