Season 6 episode 13 - Nochelle

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Season 6 - after the solo competition when Summer lost the 5 point advantage

"If I did the solo, we would have the 5 points" - Richelle 🤍

Setting: studio 1 after the competition (everything's packed up and everyone's left)

*Richelle performs her 'president' solo* (yes I know that it's from season 7)
*Richelle is mad at Noah for not choosing her to do the solo competition because she knows she would have won against Lily*
*While performing Noah walks in*

"Wow that was amazing Richelle", Noah finally says surprised after watching Richelle's solo. He's never really seen her dance like that; so much power from such a small person, or maybe it's just that he hasn't been paying attention to her lately he thought. "Thanks" she says with a bland smile and avoiding eye contact; still mad that they lost the 5 point advantage and at him for choosing Summer over her for the solo. "It would have been the solo I'd perform today if I was chosen to do the competition" she says bored and fed up, while Noah stood in silence. "It also would have been the solo that won and got us the 5 point advantage but I guess it's too late now" she's also challenges finally meeting his eyes to which he drops his head and sighed. "That's why I'm here, I wanted to say I'm sorry". "Sorry for what" she shot back "sorry that we lost the 5 point advantage?" she said and scoffed. "Because if so then it's not me you should be apologising to, it's the team" again saying while turning her back to him and slowly walking away, already sick of the conversation and knowing that he could tell she was losing her patients. "I'm sorry for not trusting you" Noah suddenly yelled slightly. That stilled Richelle, so he kept talking. "I'm sorry that I chose Summer over you for the solo, I'm sorry that I thought her emotions could win for us, I'm sorry that I was wrong". Richelle slowly turn around, facing him again and shaking her head. "You just don't get it Noah, she's always chosen over me. I worked for years to get where I am and it is clear that I'm a more technical skilled dancer than her but it's also clear that she has the emotion over me. And I know that because I'm reminded every god dam day by everyone in the studio," Richelle yelled before calming her voice down again. "I knew what these judges were looking for and it was the wow factor, that's what Lily brought but I know I could have brought more". "I know", Noah finally says, fidgeting with his hands. "I know you would have beat her, and I know I haven't been making very good decisions lately" he says looking deep into her eyes. "I just wanted to give her a chance because I'm sorry to say it Richelle but emotions can really help make a dance. But I also forgot that our own emotions before a dance can ruin it," Noah said, taking some steps towards her. "Ever since I moved up to a troupe, you always told me that 'confidence is key' and you were totally right," Noah said and smiled at the memory. "And unfortunately Summer didn't have the confidence today and to be honest, I didn't really have the confidence in her either. That was our down fall and I'm sorry for that. I now know that if we wanted to win, it should have been you out there dancing today so I'm sorry again, please forgive me" Noah finished. Richelle slowly lifted her eyes to him again and sighed. She missed her best friend. They had always supported each other since they were just little kids; she couldn't stay mad at him."Don't let it happen again", Richelle responded with a sassy smile knowing that he knew what she meant. Noah let out a sigh of relief and laughed, knowing exactly how she talked and that he was forgiven. "Come here", Noah said, pulling her in for a big hug; engulfing her small body while tiny arms tried to wrap around his waist. She was not someone to show affection but with Noah it had always be different. "Come on, I'll drive you home" Noah said as he led Richelle out of Studio 1 still hugging her. They both knew that things were going to be alright.

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