Mikami || Goddess

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me, miss. I couldn't help but notice you're distressed." Spoke a gentle, deep voice.

I turned around to see a man around my age. He was tall and slim, I noticed, looking up at him. He had sharp features and long, black hair. Glasses sat on his nose bridge, making him appear sophisticated and mysterious. A dark suit jacket was layered with a sage sweater vest underneath. He was well put together.

"I'm, I'm okay," I said, sniffing.

"I'm Mikami," he said. He bent down to look at my face, my head tilted towards the ground. I was too ashamed to look at him in the eyes.

"I'm Y/n," I whispered. My hand held my forearm as the fall breeze zipped by.

"You must be cold," he said. I felt a warm coat wrap around my arms. 

"Oh, thanks, but-"

"Don't worry about it. I saw what happened. That man was a jerk, treating you like that. If I had a maiden as fair and beautiful as you, I wouldn't ever take that for granted."

I looked up, flattered by his charm. Observing his face more, I noticed he was exceedingly handsome. He had that hot, smart look.

"Do you have a ride home?"

"No..." I remembered riding the subway here, planning on riding home with Hiro. That's why he'd said "good luck getting home".

"Could I take you for a meal?" asked Mikami. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, my appetite is lost."

"Hm," he said. "Could I take you to my home? I assure you, my cooking skills will find that appetite soon enough."

Looking into his warm eyes, I knew I was an idiot. Trusting a man I'd just met? It was bound to be a trick. But I was cold and lonely. At that moment I was being soothed by a hot stranger. I was weak and vulnerable. And so, I said yes.

He took me into a traditional home. It was a comfortable minka. Scents of cinnamon, vanilla, and incense mingled with the air and brought peace to me. 

"You could sit over there," Mikami suggested, interrupting my daze. He motioned to a lounging chair facing a window which displayed the backyard; a koi pond was surrounded by a dozen flowers of different sizes and shapes. I sat, mesmerized by the comfort of his living space.

"Any requests?" Mikami asked, tying on a white apron. It was snug against his broad shoulders and was stretched over his chest, fit for a small japanese woman. I found myself giggling at the sight.

"Are you laughing at me?" he frowned playfully, glancing down at himself. I shook my head, smiling as I looked down.

"It's more than I expected."

"Well, I've got to cheer a beautiful young lady up somehow, now don't I?" He walked towards me, smile fading, sobering the moment. We'd just met moments ago yet I felt this strange connection to him. Mikami's dark eyes lured mine in, both healing me and hurting me. It reminded me of the pain of a bad relationship, of not being treated right. But his soft smile that played on his pink lips comforted me, telling me I would be okay.

Before I knew it, he sat beside me. "He doesn't know what he's missing" he whispered, reaching his hand to wipe a tear from my cheek. i hadn't realized I was crying. His warm hand lingered, caressing my face gently. My skin tingled from his thumb as he trailed it lower, brushing my lip. His eyes locked mine. His dark eyes, sparkling with passion, drew me in. My heartbeat quickened.  I pulled away and wiped the tears myself, embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry- I should go. I'm not really much in the mood for anything to eat-"

Suddenly Mikami turned my head to face him and pushed his lips onto mine. They were warm, inviting. I was shocked but not repulsed. His mouth melted with mine, and I found it hard to pull away. His hands reached to pull me closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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