Mikami || Goddess

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It was our 1 year anniversary. I was nervous, but surely he remembered. Hiro wouldn't forget something this important to me. Still, the past few months had been deteriorating. Our relationship had gotten tiring, strenuous. It felt like I was the one clinging on to the relationship. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, if Hiro didn't  show me I meant something to him, I was done. For our sake I hoped that wasn't the case.

"Hiro," I called out to him, watching as he pushed the door open and exited his workspace. I was wearing a f/c dress, one that hugged my waist and hips, looser around my chest. Thin straps displayed my narrow shoulders. My chocolate hair spilled over my shoulders and down my back in delicate waves. I hoped he would notice I was dressed up. Maybe he'd get the hint.

"Hey, babe," he said, walking towards me. I wasn't delighted to be called that nickname, but he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Notice anything?" I asked, twisting a diamond ring on my finger. I rarely, if ever, wore jewelry. I was also wearing makeup. It had took me over an hour to perfect this look.

"Yeah, you look great," he said, raking his eyes over my body. His gaze wasn't loving; it was lustful and hungry. Rabid. Dirty. but I wasn't in the mood for that.

"-what's the occasion?" he continued, closing the distance between us and placing his hands on my hips. His lips went in for a kiss but I pulled away.

"What do you mean, 'what's the occasion'?" My eyebrows furrowed, heart sinking.

"You're all dressed up like a doll. Are you giving me a toy? Is this my treat for making it through work?" He made his way back to me. Anger rose like bile in my throat. We were still on the steps of his establishment.

"A toy? Is that how you view me? And you don't even know what fucking today is?"

Hiro sensed my anger and his look hardened. He looked away, nodding his head, chewing on his cheek. He laughed sarcastically. 

"It was a joke, damn. Is this really how you treat me after work? All I know is it's Wednesday, and i'm aching to get home and watch some sports. What else could it be?"

My eyes widened and jaw dropped. I let out a scoff, the months of bitterness finally surfacing. 

"It's our fucking anniversary today! And you know what, our last one. You always treat me like this. I've been trying! You never listen to or please me. You're so fucking selfish!" 

His expression darkened, and he stepped towards me again, grabbing my arm. "How was I supposed to know that? It's not my fault I can't provide for your every goddamn desire! Some of us have to work, babe, some of us can't spend every second of every day catering to your high maintenance needs!" 

"High maintenance?" I shouted. I yanked my arm away, stepping back. "All I wanted was company, love, an ounce of care! All you want to do is fuck or use me to buy a fucking fried chicken meal!"

I looked around as he fumed, running a hand through his brown hair. A crowd had formed. Few people were scattered, staring at our scene. A lump grew in my throat. I was both pissed, humiliated, and disappointed.

"We're through."

"Yeah, whatever." Hiro whispered, scoffing. He fished out his keys and nodded to me. "Fine, have it your way. Have fun getting home." With that, he pushed past me and walked away.

The lump in my throat finally produced tears. Murmurs irrupted around me, but as I stood there, tears sliding down my cheeks, they dissipated. My boyfriend was gone. I felt cold, alone. Suddenly, I felt a presence from behind me. A warm hand landed lightly on my shoulder.

death note x reader lemonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن