His tone was lighthearted, knowing Dany would have sympathy for Blue right along with the amusement they all found in the matter. During all this, and once the dragons and raptors finished eating, Drogon stretched out his wings and arched into the air above them. The metal structure shook and groaned in protest when the black and crimson dragon tried to land on the catwalk, the only thing he could think to get a hold on. The moment he landed on it, all four humans grimaced. While the dragons weren't nearly full grown, it was obvious the enclosure was becoming too small for the three small horse sized winged reptiles, let alone four raptors along with them.

"How big do you think they'll get?" Dany looked to Mel, having taken a couple steps back to look at Drogon. His tail, coiled around him, still dangled off the side, and he seemed to try to balance on the metal catwalk which had a gradually weakening resolve.

"Dragons will keep growing throughout their lives as long as they're not kept locked away. It was what caused the demise of the Targaryen dragons. They were locked away and stayed quite small." Mel explained.

"Like goldfish? The bigger the aquarium, the larger they'll get?" Zara commented. Mel nodded.

"Balerion the Black Dread was large enough he could have swallowed a horse whole. The shadow of his wingspan blanketed entire villages."

"Yeah—they're not going to be able to stay in there for much longer." Owen said, arms crossed as he eyed the dragon trying to remain on the metal structure.

"You think giving them free rein over the island would be something the higher ups would remotely entertain?" Dany asked, looking in Owen's direction.

"Claire would come absolutely unglued." Zara shook her head. "Masrani might consider it."

Owen seemed to mull it over, wincing. "It could be either a huge draw to guests on the island or scare the shit out of them if there's dragons flying loose around the island, let alone the size they could potentially become. Plus, I don't think giving them absolutely no boundaries would be a good idea."

"The Dino petting zoo would be toast—literally." Zara pointed out.

Owen seemed to see the turmoil turning the cogs in Dany's brain and he squeezed her shoulder gently. "We'll figure something out, don't overthink it."

Dany gave a thin laugh. "I'm trying not to, but we've got three very big blaring issues that could arise if we don't figure out where to put them."


The last thing Dany had wanted to do was involve Claire in the matter, and was hoping to meet with Mr. Masrani so he could see the dragons himself. But Masrani was away for business when Zara had tried to arrange a meeting with him and Dr. Wu for Dany and Owen, and Claire was far too excited to jump on the opportunity. When the Mercedes pulled up near the raptor octagon and Dany saw Claire and Dr. Wu come out, her heart plummeted into her stomach. Claire looked like the cat that ate the canary. But Owen stayed with Dany for the meeting and Mel offered to stay as well, since she had become an advisor of sorts on the more behind which the dragons had come from. Regardless of whatever creature Jurassic World had resurrected, dragons were beyond their area of expertise and a whole new ball game all together.

Dr. Wu was visibly in awe at the size the dragons had grown to. Claire was also eyeing the creatures, her brows climbing higher the longer she and the scientist observed.

"I'm assuming we can't go in there?" Dr. Wu asked Owen, who shook his head.

"Wouldn't advise it. Those animals are imprinted and strongly bonded to Dany, they and the raptors accept very few in there to begin with. Even Mel they'll tolerate but she has yet to touch them." He responded and Mel nodded in affirmation. Out of the corner of her eye, Dany saw Claire roll her eyes and shake her head and couldn't help but bristle in the slightest.

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