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AN~ You guys have waited a long time for this, and I apologize for the wait but I think I'm back on a roll here

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AN~ You guys have waited a long time for this, and I apologize for the wait but I think I'm back on a roll here. Chapter VII is here! And soon Dany will start learning the truth of her heritage.

Weeks came and went, and Dany could swear the dragons were getting bigger by the day, even little by little. With a cup of coffee in hand, Dany made her way to the raptor compound, and when she got there, she saw Owen with the dragons. Or at least she saw Drogon. The other two were on the elevated platforms installed, watching the going ons. The platforms had been installed when Viserion had tried to land in the same tree and proceeded to nearly uproot the entire thing from the ground. They were still babies, but by design they were becoming fierce predators and large ones at that.

Owen had a clicker in his hand and a plastic baggie filled with chunks of cooked lamb. They'd discovered that dragons would not eat raw meat, but insisted it either be cooked or they cooked it themselves by fire.

"Drogon, eyes on me," Owen said, his gaze fixed on the dragon. Drogon's ember eyes followed Owen's movements, but he seemed blatantly unimpressed, curling his tail around him.

"Drogon, hey." Owen snapped his fingers to get the dragon's attention when Drogon looked elsewhere, and the action only elicited a snarl from the clearly exasperated reptile as he pushed himself to his feet. Dany wondered how long they'd been at this.

"Ah. Cut that shit ou—Drogon—!" Owen stumbled back from the patch of now scorched earth, and now Drogon was annoyed. He crawled toward Owen, who was quick enough and agile enough to be able to avoid serious harm. But the winged shadow's movements were merely a warning, and when Owen tried to step closer, Drogon opened his jaws and the glow of flame within his throat was enough to make Owen think twice.

"You realize what he's doing?" Dany giggled and Owen looked her way, puzzled. "He's basically drawn his own line in the sand, and every time you cross it, he makes it further and further to keep you away from him. He's training you."

Owen's eyes cut back to the dragon and where he noticed he'd started and now where Drogon had him, and the dragon had in fact pushed him a good ten feet further back than he had been. "You smart son of a bitch...."

Owen laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. "He's definitely one of the more intelligent animals I've worked with, if not possibly the most. But it's bizarre, because they're technically creatures that shouldn't exist but when you think about it, they've been here longer than almost anything, and elusive. And the intelligence is almost cognitive with all three of them."

Dany came into the compound through the gates and all three dragons turned their heads, and rather than flying they all sort of proceeded toward her at an excited but undignified lope. Dany knelt and cupped Drogon's head, doling scratches to the other two, and Owen came over.

"You know, you could probably teach them how to spit fire on command," He commented. "That way you have more control over it, just be sure it's not something someone will use in an everyday sentence."

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