"You've meet Katherine?" Elizabeth asked before rolling her eyes. "Of course you did."

Isobel nodded and said, "She found me after I turned. Genetic curiosity, I suppose. She would be fascinated by you Elena. But I can tell you she would hate you Elizabeth, she hated witches."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Well, I hate her too, so..."

"Is that how you can walk in the day?" Elena asked, looking at the necklace around Isobel's neck.

The women looked down at her necklace, saying, "Katherine helped me obtain it."

"Let's get to the fun questions," Elizabeth said, leaning forward. "Who's Elena father. And did you maybe know mine?"

"Not important," Isobel. "He was a teenage waste of space. And your mother never told me. Not that I would tell you."

"Much like you?" Elizabeth retorted. This was the kind of vampires that Sheila told her about, so she was't feeling bad about the words leaving her mouth. "You can't just waltz in, ruin everyone's lives that they have fought to have. Like Ric, who is the best person I have ever meet, he finds a way in everything that is happening to make us smile, he's better without you." She scoffed. "And, to be honest, you shouldn't be surprised to be faced with my anger. You're the reason my mother is dead, I saw, I saw that you could have saved her but you turned your back on her and let the vampires kill her, Not to mention you are threatening innocent lives. Like come on."

Isobel smiled and said, "Your a real bitch, and yes I did watch your mother die, I don't regret it."

"Your a monster." Elena said looking at her after what Elizabeth said. "Why did you compel that man to kill himself right after he told us to stop looking for you?"

"Dramatic impact," Isobel said with a shrug. "Wish it would have been more effective."

"Human life means that little to you?" Elena asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Means nothing to me," Isobel said with a smile, "It's just part of being what I am."

The twins shook their head, saying, "No. It's not,"

"We know other vampires," Elena simply stated, shaking her head, while Elizabeth say, "That's not true."

"You mean your boy friend over there by the pool table?" Isobel asked, "Stefan Salvatore. Why Stefan? Why didn't you go for Damon? Or do you enjoy them both, like Katherine did?"

"Okay, listen here, you selfish bitch," Elizabeth snapped, leaning forward, shocking Isobel. "Elena may look like Katherine, but she is not her. So, if you say anything rude or demanding to me or my twin ever again, we are leaving. Now get to the point." She glared at her making Isobel grab her head in pain.

"I'm curious about you two," Isobel said after a second as Elena held Elizabeth's hand tightly, trying to keep her calm, "But the real reasons I want what you uncle wants — Jonathan Gilbert's invention."

"How do you know our uncle?"

"I used to spend a lot of time here when I was younger," Isobel explained. "John had a crush on me for years, he was the first one that told me about vampires."

"So, what made you want to be one?" Elena asked.

Isobel shrugged and said, "It's a very long list of reasons, Elena, all of which I'm sure you two have thought about." Elena shock her head and Isobel said, "That was your first lie. It's inevitable. You're gonna get old. Stefan won't. Forever doesn't last very long when you're human."

"We don't have what your looking for," Elizabeth told her before Elena stood. Isobel grappled Elena's arm, saying, "Sit down and tell your boyfriend to walk away."

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