"I understand. I had anticipated that the next few weeks would be rough, even before all of this transpired."

"Everything that has happened in the past day or two definitely is a lot to deal with, even without having to worry about your work and the great heap of news that is. But going back, what do you mean you've taken a backseat with your work?"

"Even before I met you I stopped doing a lot of direct dealings. Ages ago I used to be the one to directly deliver the humans to the buyers, but I do mean it when I say that that was ages ago. For the last, oh, 70 or 80 years I'd guess I have mostly just been connecting interested buyers with demons whom I know go the human realm to procur the humans. I get a relatively small portion of money from both parties as a courtesy. Though, it is important to clarify that even when I was starting out I never personally abducted any humans for this. I've always been the middle man, a connection for those who need it."

Lucille thought that over for a moment. She wasn't entirely sure if that made it any better.

"I guess that makes me feel less bad about it... But I still don't like what you have done. I just... I think about the girls, and the guys too I am sure, and I feel so sad for everything they had to go through at the hands of these demons they were sold to. It's scary and heartbreaking to think of."

"I know and I'm sorry. If I could go back and change what I have done I would. I dreaded the day you found out solely because I knew you wouldn't like it. But, while it won't be easy to do so, I can try to further pull myself out of future dealings. I can make an effort to make those that rely on my connections more independent. I've amassed more than enough money to keep us living comfortably for quite a while. I have a magnificent home with a great deal of land, as well as a few other homes in my possession. So I have no real need to continue bringing in gold, not for a long while anyhow. I am also certain that the demons I work with are more than capable of taking things over on their own. They can find other older demons to work with if they really need connections."

She was beyond touched that he was willing to stop his career for her, or attempt to stop it anyhow, all because it made her unhappy. In a way she felt sort of bad, seeing as it was something he had been doing for literally hundreds of years and now she was coming in urging him to change it. But it was an awful business and he was the one who offered to stop.

"I would really like that." She said meekly. "I am sorry to have made a fuss over it. I know it's ingrained in your life and it's not a big deal to you but I just... I have mainly seen you be so loving and caring and... for me you embody love and happiness and to think that you coordinate deals that takes people's lives in such a drastically different path, that is what's difficult for me."

He listened quietly, stroking her arm.

"You have no reason to apologize. I understand entirely where you are coming from and I understand now what I have truly done to these humans. You are so empathic and caring, even for people you've never met, and you feel so deeply for them. And somehow you've managed to rub off on me and you have brought feelings into my previously bland and dark palette of emotions to choose from. I had already been surprised enough when I felt love when you first entered my life. I can understand how this would be difficult for you and that it might be some time before you're completely comfortable again. So I'll do what I can to change and I'll be waiting patiently for you in the mean time."

Her heart swelled in her chest. Just that alone was enough to bring her closer to forgiving him. She rolled over in his arms to face him.

"That alone makes me feel so much better, Aleron. I'll still need some time, but thank you for being willing to change and make an effort. I don't like your past, but that will make it easier for me to come to accept it. And I can understand why you did it."

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