Avengers age of Ultron(1)

Start from the beginning

Cannonbolt: "yes sir!"

Then, several Hydra soldiers, including a tank began marching towards Steve and Thor, and now y/n, as he unfolds behind them.

Thor: "It looks like they're lining up"

Steve: "Well, they're excited"

Thor pounds on Steve's shield with his hammer and the resulting wave of force knocks down all the soldiers

Cannonbolt: "so cool!!"

Thor: "Find the scepter"

Tony Stark: "And for gosh sake, watch your language! Kid, could use a little back up on me"

Steve: "That's not going away anytime soon"

Cannonbolt: "you got it Tony!"

Y/n hits the Omnitrix, that was placed on his forehead, returning him to human. He insisted on learning that after his encounter with vilgax. Then y/n activates the Omnitrix again, before changing into stinkfly, before taking off to catch up with the one and only iron man.

Stark enters the HYDRA base and the soldiers start firing at his Iron Man suit, which y/n used as a shield the second he got there.

Tony: "Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through"

Stark shoots down the soldiers using rockets from his suit

Tony: "It was a good talk"

Soldier: "No it wasn't"

Tony lands on the floor, getting out of his suit, y/n lands next to him, turning back to human.

Tony Stark: "Sentry mode"

Tony walks over to the computers, as y/n follows behind him.

Tony: "Okay, JARVIS. You know I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ"

Y/n: "somethings off... Hey, Tony, can your suit do IR scans?"

Tony: "ooh! Good idea kid. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick"

JARVIS: "The wall to your left...I'm reading steel reinforcement... and an air current"

Tony: "Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door..."

he pushes and the wall opens up

Tony: "Yay!"

Y/n: "I was talking about, maybe something being under the computer... But that's... That's a lot better"

Steve: "Guys, I got Strucker"

Tony Stark: "Yeah, me and the kid got... something bigger"

inside the secret passageway Tony and y/n finds a room with a variety of technology, as well as recovered artifacts from the Battle of New York, including a gigantic Chitauri leviathan and some of its scrapped armor. Y/n then spots the scepter.

Y/n: "heya Thor, got eyes on the prize. Smaller than I remember"

Tony: "well, you were three years younger last time you say it"

Y/n: "true..."

A woman suddenly came up from behind the two avengers, and she does some odd mumbo jumbo to their heads... That's when y/n jumped back surprised, seeing vilgax walking from the top of the dead Leviathan.

Y/n: "oh great, squid face is-"

Looking down, y/n notices something in each of vilgax's hands, in one, was a torn up red, flower patterned Hawaiian shirt, and in the other, was a dog collar, with a golden bone tag. Y/n easily memorized them, and it scares him.

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