The one with the blackout.

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"Uh-hum, Everybody. Central perk is proud to present the music of miss Phoebe Buffay!" Rach says down the microphone before applauding with the crowd and jumping off the 'stage'. Everyone in the café sat around together and since all the seats were full Joey had me sit on his lap since the heels I had been wearing all day had began to make my feet numb.

"Hi. I want to start with a song that's about that moment when you suddenly realize what life is really all about. Okay here we go." Pheebs only gets a few chords in when the entire building is plunged into darkness. "Okay, Thank you very much" 

Joey tightens his hold on me the moment it becomes dark and he carefully stands me up with him. We all grab each others hand and make it outside together. I grab a magnetic light from the storage space in my bike and click it on. It was I kept in case I ever broke down so it was  pretty bright. I shone the light over the path so we could all go up the the apartments together.

"Come on. We need to find some candles. This light won't stay on for too long." I tell them as we make our way up the stairs. I let Mon use the light first since she had a draw of candles. Once she set a few up and lit them I do the same in my apartment. My mother had a habit of sending me candles and I never got around to lighting all of them so I had stored them all in a draw. I took out a few of the least expensive ones that I didn't mind wasting and took them back to Mon's so I could light them. 

Joey had stolen one of Monica's candles in order to find some in his apartment. I also grabbed a bottle of wine as I walked out. "Here you go Monnie" 

"Thanks Angie. Mind setting them up around the room." 

"Sure" I give her the wine before laying the candle out on the tale and lighting them before I move them around the room

"Wow, this is so cool guys, the whole city is blacked out." Rach says as she leaves her place near the window and comes back over to us.

"Mom said its all of Manhattan, part of Brooklyn and Queens and they have no idea when it's coming back on." Mon tells us before she gets back to talking to her mother over the phone. I giggle when I hear the Judy was trying to make sure Mon looked, encase she met someone.

"Wow. You guys, this is big." Rach helps Phoebe light a few more candles around the room as Monica finishes her call with her mom. "Can I borrow your Phone? I want to to call my apartment and check on my grandma" Phoebe asks as she picks up the phone. "Sure"

"Wait what's my number? What? I never call me" I reach over the table and quickly dial the number for her apartment and she thanks me while her Grandmother picks up. 

Joey walks in with a Menorah and I tilt my head in confusion. "Hi everybody" Joey says as he carefully walks across the floor, trying not to accidentally snuff out one of the candles. 

"And officiating tonight's blackout is Rabbi Tribbiani" We all smile at Ross' comment and I walk over with a match to relight the one candle that went out. 

"Well, Chandler's, old roommate was Jewish, and these are the only candles we have. So, Happy Hanukkah, everyone." I ruffle Joey's hair as I blow out the match. 

"Ew, look ugly naked guy lit a bunch of candles." We all join Phoebe at the window and look out only to wince and back away when the man sets fire to some of his hair, he was bald."Ohh, That had to hurt" 

I pour myself a glass of wine and Joe joins me with an empty glass and holds it out to me. I fill it half way with a smile and the phone goes off. I put the bottle into Joe's unused hand and answer the call. "Hello...You guys its Chandler...Are you okay?" Chandler then starts mumbling over the phone, I stop him when he's half way. "Okay, stop. I didn't understand a word. Here Joey." I hand Joe the phone knowing that if anyone would understand that it would be him. The two had developed a way of talking about other women if said women was close by to hear them if they spoke normally. I had given up trying to understand it 2 seconds into hearing it.  

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