Siren Kiss (Pt.2)

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Mr.L repressed the urge to waste his oxygen by screaming and instead kicked downward. His boot hit something and it fell away quickly. He bit into his restraints again and they came loose.

He wiggled his wrists out from the bonds and started to swim up as his life depended on it. Soon after that, Mr.L felt something else grab ahold of his arm. Not even looking at whatever it was, he felt heavenly music start to fill his head and began to feel drowsy. He could feel himself getting pulled downward and yet couldn't find the strength to kick back up.

Mr.L felt something grab his other arm as well, he was able to identify both things grabbing ahold of him as hands with sharp claws. He tiredly turned his head and saw a girl smiling back at him, seeing her mouth moving but no sound.

Well, there was sound, she was singing, but he couldn't even tell anymore. Mr.L strained to remember something that he could've sworn was important as the burning sensation in his lungs seemed non-existent. He went wide-eyed and snapped out of his daze, remembering about sirens and realizing that he was getting drowned.

His lungs were about to burst so he quickly wrenched his wrists from the siren's grip, pushing her back. Mr.L frantically started up, desperate for air and desperate not to die again. More sirens came and started to surround him, trying to grab hold and drag him down until he drowned. He frantically tried to push them all back but they were fast and managed to grab ahold of his arms and legs.

Mr.L continued to struggle as one of the sirens went up to him and got really close. He went wide-eyed as the siren flashed him a fang-filled grin because Mr.L knew that, unlike Dimentio, this siren wasn't joking around with him. Suddenly, the siren swam up and placed her lips on his. Mr.L tried to scream but found water flooding into his lungs and his limbs becoming heavy. 

His eyes began to sag and his lack of air hardly seemed to hurt compared to the rush of poison flooding his body. Mr.L's limbs became heavy and his mind was water-logged. He fought to keep conscious but his eyes shut and he went limp. 

The sirens quickly took this opportunity to drag him down, him now unable to fight back. Mr.L was dragged down deeper, completely unaware of anything in his surroundings as his after game seemed to be slipping away.

All of a sudden, another siren rushed up and started pushing the rest of them back. Mr.L sensed that he wasn't being pulled down and was able to open his eyes enough to see Dimentio fighting the other sirens back. Mr.L quickly slipped back into unconsciousness just as Dimentio was able to fight all of the other sirens away. With one swift motion, Dimentio swam up and took Mr.L by the arms, pulling him towards the surface.

The two of them surfaced and Dimentio grunted as he pulled Mr.L towards the shore. He laid Mr.L down and frantically shook him.

"L! MR.L, WAKE UP, PLEASE!!!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Mr.L remained unmoving on the ground, his eyes closed. Dimentio quickly took Mr.L's wrist and checked for a pulse, paling when he found nothing.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no..." Dimentio muttered.

Mr.L's skin was becoming a sickly pale color, all of his life seeming to seep out. Dimentio let out a shout of frustration as he stood up, transforming his fins back into legs and picking up Mr.L.

"Don't you dare die on me, Green Thunder!" Dimentio spat.

Dimentio took up Mr.L and ran away from the river, one specific destination in mind. There was only one thing down here that was used to heal injuries, and that was the healing fountains.

After several minutes of running, one of the fountains came into view, the orange waters reflecting the dim light. Dimentio huffed as he struggled to not drop Mr.L. He made his way to the nearest fountain and set Mr.L inside, tapping his foot anxiously.

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