Chapter Forty-Two: Pick Up The Phone

Start from the beginning

That was a lie, the first part. I usually eat on the bus if I can't wake up earlier due to whatever reasons. My friends would do the same so that I wasn't alone. But today, my breakfast was knocked out of my hands before I could even take a bite. I didn't board the bus because I was warned not to by some people in the same year as me. 

So I walked. Made sure to wear my mask and keep my raincoat hood over my head. So that no one would recognise me.

"Uh huh." I'm snapped back into reality. "Well, for whatever reason you haven't eaten yet, we'll grab a bite. But no fast foods, it's too early for that junk. You need something filling and healthy, alright?"

I nod my head. "Okay."

"Mhm. I know a good all day restaurant that serves everything you like. Don't hang up, okay? Just mute me when someone walks in and text me."


"Okay. Good. I'm going to get the first kit ready in the car. Y'know... just in case." I'm thankful. "I'll call ahead and have a reserved seat, secluded from everyone else. Use your raincoat for entering the restaurant." I'm incredibly thankful.

I hold my tongue for a second.

"Are you okay, Y/N?"

My eyes blink a few times as I lock the stall door behind me, hanging my bag on the hook as stuffing my papers into it. 

I smile. "I'm fine. Thank you for everything, Uncle."

He only huffs. "You don't need to thank me, Peaches."

"Oh, so you two were Upperclassman-Underclassman in Middle School?" Jirou says, pointing between us as Shindo releases me, opting to keep his hand on my shoulder. I feel myself becoming more calm. At least a little bit.

"Well, I guess that was the base of it all." He replies, shrugging his shoulders as he shakes me gently, "But you could say we were more like friends, regardless of our age difference. L/N's more than just an underclassman to me."

I see the look of shock from Kaminari, Sero, Mina, Jirou and Kirishima. They all look between each other, as if trying to plan something. I see Midoriya tilting his head and Todoroki only I lean away, suddenly gripping onto my case harshly. Sero pinches his chin between his fingers as he thinks. "Maybe... ex's?" He asks, only to have Kaminari slap a hand over his mouth and press a finger to his own lips, like a hushing motion.

I step forward, away from Shindo. Thankfully. "No, no, no, no!" I claim, waving my hands frantically, "I'm not—We never dated! He's been with his girlfriend ever since they were Second Years!"

Shindo then places a hand on his hip. He tilts his head, hand out to me in a gesture. "Not that you aren't a nice person, L/N." He informs me, making me look away, "Just maybe not for me."

I notice the way he and Katsuki begin to glare at each other.

Kirishima hums out, shrugging his shoulders, "Love confession gone wrong?"

Mina covers his mouth as well, shaking her head frantically.

"No." I say sternly, looking to them all, "It... It's not like that. At all. Please." I lower my head.

They stop with the questions as Mr Aizawa tell us to enter the main hall, the exam would be starting soon. Shindo waves at me as my class moves. I do a small one back before quickly walking away. Someone catches my hand. 

"Are you okay?" Katsuki asks me, gently holding my hand in his. He doesn't intertwine our fingers. Only lapse his palm over mine protectively.

I look up to him. I can finally feel myself breathe again. "I'm alright. Thanks, Katsuki." I say in a smooth voice.

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