After hours of work Anne did it.

She knew how to make it work but only enough time to get through and she wasn't gonna coordinate the exact locations they would land so they had to be prepared.

"Alright I can do it pack up guys I'll go and try explaining this to my parents" Anne said nervous

Sprig Polly and hop pop encouraged her

"Anne you've been through so much to can do this" sprig said as Anne nodded

"Yea you've fought monsters and dealt with bigger things than talking to your parents" Polly said confidently

And hop pop smiled

"Anne just lay it out for ten nice and easy" he said shooing her off

Anne went and sat her parents downs t the table.

But before she could speak they hugged her.

They hugged her tightly and spoke

"Go..go get them" they said

Anne teared up and nodded hugging them back tightly.

The next day it was time.

"Alright pack up essentials only. And maybe some things to remind you of this place" she said getting a duffle bag

Sprig and Polly and hop pop all got things like items to remind themselves of this place

Anne got clothes food drinks and knew she could charge her phone in amphibia

She went to her parents and took one last photo before bidding them farewell.

The library

They all went to the library because it was time

Anne had searched all through the books to find anything on how get back.

She couldn't be here anymore.

As much as she love dit she couldn't bare all the guilt.

She guilt of leaving Sasha and Marcy alone..

Who knows what could be happening to the both of them.

Maybe just maybe something good happened and they didn't want to come back?

If so then she would just ask them to send her back

And if something terrible had been happening then she would be their to help.

Anne grabbed a book and opened it

"Alright hold into me this took forever to make so sip only because if the music box don't work then I'm coming home with the rest of the mixture" she said holding a vile

Calamity Trio {Sashannarcy}Where stories live. Discover now